Anti-aging and Facelift surgery: Winning back the youth
Rhytidectomy is an erasure technique that is generally known as anti-aging & facelift surgery. It helps in expurgating or deleting aging signs like wrinkles. Facelift is that procedure in the sphere of cosmetic surgery which is practised to stop your facial features from aging and helps to retain the youth. Generally, these procedures include multiple surgical techniques. It removes the excess facial skin by tightening the underlying tissues. It rearranges and tightens the skin on the face and the neck, and the regions where the wrinkles and aging signs are more prominent. Usually, facelifts are combined with other facial cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery and brow lift or forehead lift to raise the eyebrows and firm the forehead skin in a way that suits the facelift.
There are many different procedures of rhytidectomy. Those widely practised procedures in any anti-aging & facelift surgery are SMAS lift, Deep-plane facelift, Mini-facelift, Composite facelift, Mid face-lift, Thread Lift, Sub-periosteal facelift, Skin-only facelift, and MACS facelift. Each procedure is different from the other. The basic differences in these procedures are generally marked or decided by the nature of incision and the area of the face undergoing the surgery. The procedures are determined according to the patient’s medical case, expectations and other factors like patient’s age, recovery time, etc. Hence, the surgery procedures are completely situational and variable.
The main purpose behind any anti-aging & facelift surgery is to rejuvenate and invigorate the appearance of the face and pursue the young look once again. The facial anatomy undergoes a lot of change with increasing age. Aging signs can be noticed with the changing position of the platysma muscle, the orbicularis oculi muscle and cheek fat. The major and prominent signs of aging are a jowl or a broken jaw line, plunging or drooling cheek fat and the wrinkles. The skin is like a mirror of a person’s age. Usually the aging signs can be noticed after the 30s but may vary from person to person. According to the cosmetic surgeons the ideal age for undergoing a face-lift surgery is at the age of 50 or younger. Most of the anti-aging solutions are redeemed through Botox or liposculpture.