Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder - Natural Treatment Alternatives

Author: Coach John

Natural Depression Treatments Still Require a Doctor

There are a lot of products and therapies that claim to be natural cures for depression, but before you go and start experimenting on some of these often expensive products, be sure to talk to your doctor about just how effective they may be. Some are definitely more effective than others for treating clinical depression but some are only effective at getting your money.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are classified in the United States as dietary supplements, not medicine, so they do not have the same kind of regulations as prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications do. It's important to remember that just because it is "natural" doesn't mean supplements and herbs aren't potentially dangerous.

St. John's Wart is a very popular supplement for treating mild depression and has been used in Europe for centuries to treat depression and a number of other woes. Because it can interfere with medications prescribed for heart disease, seizures, and some cancers, it is definitely not something for just everyone. Safer natural remedies to try include increasing omega-3 fatty acids and float, a B vitamin, in your diet. Omega-3s are a healthy fat that offer a broad range of benefits to both body and mind, and a floated deficiency can actually hinder how well medications prescribed by your doctor work. Talk to your doctor about finding the right amounts of any dietary supplement that could benefit you, whether they are for depression or some other problem.

Mind Over Body

For centuries there have been disciplines espousing the idea that with enough training and focus, all difficulties might be overcome, even depression. Often classified in Western Medicine as "alternative" treatments, these include acupuncture, massage therapy, meditation, and yoga. Many of these traditions insist that there must be proper balance in the body and its energies and harmony between it and the mind for true health.

While depression treatments alternatives for depression can be beneficial for relief in especially more mild symptoms, major depression should always be monitored by a licensed physician or counsellor. There are less inherent dangers in using these alternative treatments but as with any treatment for depression, they are not for everyone. With this in mind, books and videos that claim to be able to teach you how to cure your own depression should be approached with a great deal of skepticism. If you’ve ever tried a self-diagnosing tool on the internet then you know that the symptoms of stubbing your toe could easily be bubonic plague. The people who write these self-help programs are often just as accurate in targeting the issues you need to overcome in order to really treat your depression. If you suffer from depression, or think you might be, always talk to your doctor first. The prescription pad is not always the first thing doctors reach for and there are some excellent options for natural depression treatments that include the standard talk therapies and newer methods involving ecotherapy. While there are pharmaceutical drugs out there to deal with SAD and other forms of depression, many times the risks of side effects can outweigh the benefits. Dealing with a host of adverse side effects can potentially even exacerbate a SAD sufferer's feelings of anxiety. So what can you do? Well fortunately, there are some natural alternatives out there to help cope with depression, seasonal or otherwise.