Can Men Really Grow Hair With Rogaine Foam?

Author: Minoxidil Direct
While some men embrace hair loss and just run with the new look, others prefer their appearances with a full head of hair. Men who don’t want to take thinning, balding hair as a given without putting up a fight may find that Minoxidiol for men or Rogaine foam does the trick for them.

Rogaine foam and Minoxidil for men are designed to help men regrow hair. The products work directly on the scalp itself, facilitating blood flow to the hair follicles. By doing so, these products can help men grow natural, healthy hair to replace strands they’ve lost.

Men interested in using Rogaine foam or other similar products to assist them in fighting back against hair loss will find there are some things they need to know. Here are just a few:

  • Products are gender specific – The body chemistry of a man is very different than a woman. With that in mind, Minoxidil for men and products for women are not meant to be interchanged. The men’s products have a 5 percent dosing of the active ingredients. Women’s products have a 2 percent dosing. For men to see results, they must use the proper product.
  • Rogaine foam works best for certain conditions – The active ingredients in Minoxidil and Rogaine are meant to address male pattern baldness. If hair thinning or loss is caused by another condition, these products may not work. If the cause of thinning or balding is unknown, it’s best to investigate root cause before trying these products.
  • These products must be used as directed –
Rogaine foam and other similar products have very specific directions. Generally, they must be used twice a day with direct application on the scalp itself. Skipping occasional dosing isn’t a big concern, but failure to use the products on a regular basis can result in loss of any hair that has been regrown.

  • The products can take time to work – Minoxidil does not work overnight. It can sometimes take weeks or even months to see significant results. For men with male pattern baldness, it’s worth sticking with the products for at least six to eight weeks to enjoy the greatest potential for results. These products do work for many men, but not all.

Men who are not willing to embrace baldness will find Minoxidil for men may offer them hope. Be sure to follow directions and stick with the program to enjoy the greatest chance for pleasing results.

About the Company is one of the UK’s leading providers of Minoxidil for men and other hair care products. With delivery straight to customers’ doors, the company provides exceptional service and products that have been proven to help many men across the globe.