Homeopathic Medicine for Eczema
Eczema is a skin disease that makes life of the people uncomfortable. The itch scratch-itch cycle will drive you crazy. There is age limit for the people who suffer from this disease. Severe pain and itchiness will worsen during the winter season. You may often experience sore cracks and bleeding in the scratched area. It takes long time for the diseases to heal as you suffer from deep cracks on legs and hands. The affected areas will turn red and look ugly. You will find it difficult mingle in the social gathering when you suffer with this irritating skin diseases eczema. If you are looking for an effective cure for these skin diseases, you can choose to go with homeopathic medicine for eczema.
There are different types of eczema, doctors study type of the diseases you are suffering from before giving the medication. Rather than common medicine to heal all types of eczema, taking medicine to cure specific type will heal skin diseases quickly. You can treat eczema effectively with some homeopathy for eczema because the practitioner analyses undelaying cause of its repeated occurrence and give the medicine accordingly. Homeopathy will focus on treating the whole body as single entity rather than focus treating the symptoms of the diseases.
Homeopathy medicine for eczema does not include any creams; it is built on three fundamental principles.
The substances that create some symptoms when taken in the large doses are used to treat those very same symptoms when given in small amounts.
Healing properties of the substance will be enhanced when it is dilute to a trace amount and you will be free from undesirable side effects too.
Single remedy is given to address the problem irrespective number of symptoms present.
The treatment is customized to the needs of the individual and the remedy is given to the patient based on number of factors. Assessment will be made by the practitioner based on mental and physical conditions of the patient rather than mere symptoms. Let us look into few homeopathy remedies for eczema.
Arsenicum Album (Ars. Alb) is generally prescribed for the patients that are suffering from itchy and dry skin that has yellow discharge. This medicine is considered ideal for the patients who suffer from more itchiness during nights.’
If you are adult suffering from frequent attacks of eczema, Medorrhinum is considered as ideal medicine by many practitioners. However, it again depends on other factors too.
Experts say that calcarea Carbonica is a good homeopathy for eczema if you suffer from the symptoms like clammy hands as well as feet.
Petroleum is considered as a good homeopathy remedies for eczema for the people who are suffering with the dry skin on palms and fingertips.
- Rhus toxicodendron is used for people that suffer from blisters that are swollen and red in color. Sulphur is proven to be effective in treating the patients with itching and burning skin.