Looking for a better way to get a commercial construction loan in California?

Author: Universal Positions

If you were to create a scale of degrees of difficulty for getting loans in California, construction loans would be right at the top of that scale. It’s ironic, in a state where the property market is such a huge part of the economy, that the level of bureaucracy seems to equate to the degree of difficulty.

Many people also don’t like the mainstream market for its sometimes baffling approach to lending. After all, how many hoops should you be expected to jump through, simply to get a basic loan? Most California business people, for some reason, don’t really appreciate being asked to do a "fully documented double pike with somersault" to get a construction loan.

Bear in mind also that people don’t take out construction loans purely for the entertainment value. This is business. People don’t want to be frolicking around in some Nitpicking Nirvana until the dinosaurs condescend to take an interest for ages; they want to get things happening.

Given this scenario, it’s not surprising that private money lending has become the new black when it comes to getting construction loans. Market cynics often say that this new approach is basically self-defense, but it’s also a much more practical option.

The proof, however, isn’t hard to find. There’s a company called California Private Lenders which is so efficient that makes the mainstream market look like day care. They do everything by the book, and they still make the big lenders look like amateurs. Their "bureaucracy", such as it is, is very straightforward and quick. If you have your documentation reasonably well organized, they can turn around a loan in less than 48 hours.

They make the lending process easy, and productive. They offer hard money loans, which are loans secured by assets. Loan terms are very straightforward, too, with no "mysteries or astonishing revelations" in in the loans. They serve the California market with a wide range of loans – If you’re looking for construction loans in San Bernardino county, or commercial loans in Los Angeles, check them out.

For more information, and to see some very well laid out lending processes for a change, visit their website here at www.cplenders.com. You’ll be glad you did.