It's a Good Time to Build a House Indoors
If you've been living in the Midwestern United States for any serious length of time, you're probably accustomed to the brutal weather conditions that engulf the region from the late months of the year up to late May. From raging floods to knee-deep snow, Midwestern residents (especially in Illinois) are restricted on time when it comes to planned housing projects. Outdoor construction becomes a hazard to undertake.
But this doesn't mean you have to wait until summer to build your dream home.
Modular Homes in Illinois
Building modular homes for Illinois is a great way to create your living property without exposing yourself and your construction team to the harsh elements of the winter season. Modular housing parts are prefabricated in a factory and shipped right to your doorstep. Here are some of the many benefits of building a house indoors with modular housing construction materials.
Design Versatility
Modular housing allows for hundreds of design and style choices that you wouldn't normally have while working with traditional contractors. Yourmodular home manufacturer and contractor can help you determine the type of modular design that best fits your property and desired changes. They will provide several floor plans to choose from, plus a range of features to further customize the house plans you selected.
Expedited Turnover Time
Home construction projects aren't always the easiest or the fastest projects to finish. With modular-specific construction materials, however, you get prefabricated designs that only generally require installation. In fact, modular houses are usually built in about a third of the time required for building houses on-site. Through detailed planning and thorough preparation, it takes about three to five weeks after selecting a design plan.
Better Quality Materials
Because modular construction materials are produced in factories, manufacturers have access to machinery and equipment unavailable to site builders, such as specialized jigs and other custom parts. As a result, materials built in-house turn out to be higher quality than the bulk of mass-produced construction materials circulating the market.
Regulations Surrounding Modular Homes
All building plans are to be examined and approved by the state of Illinois before starting construction of a housing project that involves modular parts. It must follow a certain set of regulations or code mandated by the state. Typically, the modular parts manufacturer will be the one to find a third-party inspector licensed by the state of Illinois to inspect the modular housing while it is in production.