5 Reasons to Choose Ducted Gas Heating
If you are considering a heating solution for your home, you may have considered a reverse cycle system or ducted gas heating. Perth residents are likely to want the most cost efficient solution, and since ducted gas heating systems tend to be more expensive initially, you may think that this rules them out as the best choice. However, here are five reasons why these types of system deserve a little more consideration.
Long Term Energy Savings:
With the rising cost of electricity, you may have considered switching to gas. What you may not be aware of is that you can enjoy significant savings by making the change. An efficient gas ducted system could save you hundreds of dollars each year compared to a reverse cycle electric system. All heating systems are rated for their energy efficiency, but you are more likely to see that gas ducted systems convert more energy into heat, producing less wasted energy. Although the actual costs will depend on how long you are running the heating, the insulation in your home, your local climate, your energy tariffs and your thermostat settings, there are some significant savings to be had.
More Eco Friendly:
Ducted gas heating systems are also more eco friendly compared to other forms of heating. According to research conducted by the Australian Gas Association, gas ducted systems produce one third of the emissions of black coal generated electricity. This means that you can reduce the carbon footprint of your home while staying cozy warm.
Minimal Loss of Efficiency:
When the temperatures drop especially low, reverse cycle systems can lose efficiency. However, a ducted gas system suffers with minimal loss of efficiency. This means that even if it gets really cold outdoors, you can maintain a warm and comfortable temperature inside.
No Dried Eyes:
Reverse cycle systems can result in you suffering from dry eyes, skin and nose. At best, this can be an irritation, but at worst this can trigger allergies or impact those with vulnerable health such as respiratory illnesses. With a ducted gas system, you can feel instantly warm without that unpleasant dry feeling.
Whole of Home Heating:
Unlike many reverse cycle systems, a ducted gas system offers heating throughout your entire home. The vents are located in unobtrusively in the floor or ceiling of all areas of the home. This means that warmed air can be delivered to every room, eliminating cold spots and helping you to feel totally comfortable. There are also fingertip controls, so you can adjust the temperature quickly and easily to ensure that you can enjoy your preferred temperature.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of ducted gas heating, Perth home or business owners should speak to us. Seasonmakers specialises in heating and air conditioning solutions. Our team are here to address any queries you may have and help you to determine the best system to suit your particular requirements. Speak to us today for a tailored quotation and we can ensure that your home is warm and cozy this winter.