4 Mobile Commerce Trends for 2016 to step up with the technology
Mobile Commerce is a most prominent way for online shopping in a modern day. Business growth and sales increase become easy this way. Note down the trends of M-commerce app for 2016.
Mobile-first is obviously a trending strategy among businesses. The retailers have launched their own online commerce apps for the direct services to customers. Predictors predict that, growth of M-commerce apps will be too fast for up to 300%. Taking this statement into account, it is clear that each retailer will be owning a Mobile Commerce app. Effectiveness is when you p,
hire eCommerce app developer who is well aware about the most recent development techniques and have skills to optimize them in on-going project. Have an overview of the trending takeaways in M-commerce.
1. Delivery on Time:
The renowned companies offering coupons and discounts on installing their apps. Hence, shoppers are attracted to buy the stuffs through mobile apps. Free one-day delivery is an added advantage for the customers. If we consider the latest trends in mCommerce 2016, it’s gonna be essential to conform seamless buying experience. People are becoming more strict about timings. Tracking the right place where the product is reached should be accurate through the M-Commerce app.
2. Mobile Wallet:
While counting on the use of mobile payment services, Paypal is famous. Google wallet and Apple pay are also behind in the race for mobile payment. In 2016, retailers will drive a shift towards making mobile payment. Mobile payment through the retailer app will take a boost in 2016 for sure.
Retailer M-commerce apps will be successful in getting the loyal customer base by integrating the trendy features like mobile payment. This reduces efforts in feeling the card details before transaction. Magento eCommerce development company must consider this trend to deliver best technical outcomes. As your details are already saved, you can continue shopping by just entering card number. Hence, there will be a drastic change in mobile payment as more shoppers have been habituated to use this feature.
3. Internet of Things:
As a genuine report revealed from the Gartner, in 2016 lots of things are going to be connected to the internet. Wearables are opening great opportunities for the retailers for user engagement. To attract the customers, businesses give coupons, offers and rewards for the orders received from the mobile apps, wearable apps, etc. Wearables are most convenient devices for one-finger shopping. M-commerce apps for wearable devices will have great response in future.
4. Social Commerce:
Many M-commerce transactions are resulted through the strong promotion campaigns run in social media. The most popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest have Buy buttons those are linked to the apps. Ofcourse, in 2016 social commerce will be at its peak.
It will be a worth to invest in the M-commerce app for retailers as people demand one click shopping experience. For local businesses it’s beneficial to serve the international customers. It’s not about the particular category that you get good M-commerce business. For any specific product or category, sales would be increased as people want the things become easy and quick. Just follow the M-commerce trends and sale quality products to grow your business rapidly through the app.