Ayurvedic Anti-Inflammatory Herbs And Supplements for Healthy Life

Author: Adam Antao

Inflammation is a condition that affects a vast majority of people the world over. Inflammation can adversely affect the various joints in the body as well as the gums, skin, etc. The causes of inflammation are many, but it is well known that many illnesses can result if the inflammation goes untreated. Some of the illnesses that can result are diabetes, fibromyalgia, even asthma and allergies. Chronic pain can also lead to inflammation which in turn results in unbearable pain. This is a vicious cycle that needs to be broken without any adverse side effects.

Benefits of Ayurveda in Inflammation

Conventional drugs and treatment for inflammation could be expensive and have long-term side effects. This is why the anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements found in Ayurveda are so beneficial and effective. Ayurveda uses natural detoxification products that have not only been scientifically proven to treat inflammation and all of the resulting conditions, but have also been used for thousands of years safely and consistently.

Herbs used in Ayurveda

Some of the herbs that are used very effectively as anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements are Piper Longum, Adhatoda Vasica, Glycyrrhiza Glabra and Alpinia Galangal. Apart from this, turmeric root, or curcumin, is also used to treat inflammation. These herbs help maintain the structural integrity of cells by fighting against the free radicals that threaten them. Sometimes, inflammation happens in the gums which is a painful condition. In Ayurveda, this is treated painlessly by the application of products containing Tulsi and cardamom. Essential oils derived from these are high in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Cardamom also works to treat halitosis and bronchitis, apart from the common cold and cough. Tulsi has been used in healing acute and chronic bronchitis for centuries in India.

Ayurveda for skin conditions

Eczema and acne are some common skin conditions for which there are effective solutions in Ayurveda, which attributes these to the build-up of toxins in the blood. These are also attributed to the imbalances in blood tissue and plasma. While eczema results in dry skin, acne is caused by the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, which results in skin breaking out and forming pimples. If not checked, it can lead to inflammation, redness, and even bacterial infections.

The reason why ayurvedic medicine for eczema and ayurvedic medicine for acne is so effective that they are formulated from natural herbs which have been proven to have strong anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. They help to remove toxins and increase blood circulation, leading to healthier skin without any side effects over the long term.

Ayurvedic treatment for acne and eczema

Ayurvedic herbs work in many ways to treat acne and eczema. They absorb moisture and dry up the extra sebum. They also help to remove wrinkles, reduce pigmentation and blackheads, and remove dead skin cells on the surface. They help protect against the toxic build-up caused by pollution. It purifes the blood and detoxify it. The result is healthier, newer skin that is radiant and glows with life!