Ayurvedic Massage for Health and Healing - Nilayoram Ayurvedic Centre

Author: Nilayoram Resorts Ayurvedic Centre

Ayurveda, the Indian system of Medicine has evolved 5000 years ago. It has a hoary tradition in India, and is believed to be the world’s oldest health care system. Ayurvedic medicine, evolved in India is intended to integrate and balance the body, mind and spirit, and it help prevent illness and promote wellness. Contemporary ayurvedic therapies support whole body restoration through renovating and rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapies and treatments. Ayurvedic medicine helps promote both physical and mental wellbeing of an individual, and also leads all the way through sustained health and happiness.

Kerala posses an unbroken tradition of ayurveda, and almost all conventional ayurvedic procedures and practices have evolved in and around the state. Traditional ayurveda practitioners in Kerala are proficient in most of the contemporary ayurvedic treaties. In Kerala, Ayurveda treatments are basically done for the wholesome physical and mental well being of an individual. It helps maintain the perfect harmony between mind and body. Various ayurvedic resorts and massage centers are there in Kerala to offer a host of ayurvedic treatments and therapies that help enhance, restore and renew your entire health.

Conventional Ayurveda treatments involve the use of medication, massaging and the external application of medicine. Ayurvedic therapies and treatments are carried out by strictly following the rules set out by the ancient medical practitioners. Normally, the kerala ayurveda treatments deal with the detoxification, proper diet, yoga and meditation and massage therapies for the removal of ‘Thri-Doshas’ from the body. Various types of massages, external oil treatments, Basti, Vamana, Virechana and Nasya etc. are incorporated for the effective cleansing of these body toxins.

Ayurvedic massages are specially meant to drive out body toxins and provide deep blood transmission. Ayurvedic treatments such as Elakkizhi, Abhyanga, and Nasyam etc. are carried out in order to help individual’s return to a state of health y balance. ‘Elakkizhi’, or ‘ayurvedic patra padala swedam’, is carried out as a remedy or ayurvedic treatment for arthritis. In this treatment, leaves and powders of herbs are fried in medicated oil and applied in rhythmic massage over the body. ‘Nasya’ is yet another treatment widely accepted as a remedial measure or an ayurvedic treatment for autism. In ‘Nasya’ medicated oil is administered in to nostrils as a part of the treatment cycle. Along with this, Panchakarma and Pranayama are also administered.

Various treatments can be cured with the proper administration of ayurvedic medicine and massage therapies. ‘Vamana’ is a widely accepted treatment technique or as an ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy, the ‘scared disease’. ‘Vamana’ is known as therapeutic vomiting, and effectively removes the accumulated toxins from the body and respiratory tract. ‘Vamana’ is administered for people with high imbalance of ‘Kapha’. Vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the upper gastro intestinal tract, whereas vitiated ‘Kapha’ are eliminated through the mouth. By the proper administration of ‘Vamana’, patients get completely vanished off from congestions.

Nilayoram Resorts and ayurvedic Centre, a synonym for effective ayurveda treatments is situated at the banks of the holly river Bharathapuzha. By delivering various ayurveda treatments, Nilayoram offers tribute to the living tradition of Ayurveda. Purification and rejuvenation therapies at Nilayoram are specially meant to eliminate toxins from dryer body and mind. Under the strict guidance of qualified masseurs, Nilayoram offer massage therapies for getting rid of various diseases. Hosts of Ayurveda treatments are administered at our Resort to enhance, restore and rejuvenate your body and mind. For more information, visit http://www.ayurvedakerala.biz