What is the Difference Between Direct and Transfer Thermal?

Author: Jack Sullivan

Before you can decide on which office supplies you need to order for the concerned department or whether it is time to start thinking about switching to a new supplier then it is important to understand the differences first and to find a vendor that offers what you need. The top quality online companies will probably offer a wide range of label options including both direct thermal and thermal transfer because these are both still very popular items across multiple industries.

Every department places a value on time, energy and money and in some ways this priority governs how they operate and the systems or equipment that they choose to use. For example, if money is not valued as high as time efficiency then you may be willing to spend a little more for a product that reduces the steps required to conduct a task and saves time. The same holds true in the reverse so this is another layer of information that you need to be aware of before making any transitions and after doing the proper research. There are products that will save you in all areas but then you must consider the transition costs and time.

When it comes to labels, these products can be used for a variety of different tasks such as labeling and tracking inventory, integrating with a barcode system, organizing any type of area through quick visual identification and a host of other functions. Labels are generally created through a printer that either is large and bulky sitting on a desk or through a mobile handheld product capable of printing or connecting with a handheld reader. There are two primary types of printer labels that differ mainly in one characteristic which is the ink ribbon.

Direct thermal printer labels do not require a ribbon and utilize heat and special chemicals on the paper itself to generate the text or image necessary. Since companies do not have to purchase the ribbon this makes the product more efficient thereby cutting down the involved steps and cost in replacing labels when they run out. On the flip side, the thermal labels are still very popular due to the fact that many of the machines still in use require the use of a ribbon. When restocking you need to purchase both the label roll and the ribbon roll which should be available from the same vendor. Purchases are made according to what equipment is currently on hand but changes are decided based on what is best for the department so it is up to the managing authority to have all the information in hand to make an informed decision.

Outside of the ribbon difference, both items can be purchased in multiple sizes and quantities to fit operational needs for supply and demand. When you get thermal printer labels from a reliable vendor they offer equal results in clear printing, no jamming in the machine and a quick delivery turnaround time so that supplies will arrive on time and in good condition. Is one better than the other? The answer is based on what you are willing to invest and whether it meets your needs for the present and future of the company.

If you are interested to know about Thermal Printer Ribbon Price, then the author of this article recommends LabelsOnline.com.