Acupuncture – The Chinese Miracle

Author: Seasons in Our Life

"What really took you to this acupuncture center in Bethesda?" asked the doctor. "I think it is an alternative medicine to many problems" said the patient. When Americans think of using acupuncture is all that they visualize a magical anesthetic effect that it created. This story comes to us form the age of 1972, when one of the American journalist wrote about his appendectomy during the trip to China with President Nixon and he was "anaesthetized" with acupuncture needles. How dramatic it sounded then. But today this Chinese medicine has become ubiquitous, oxymoronic and yet one of the most successful propagandas.

Acupuncture is one the traditional Chinese medicines that uses a hair-thin needle that is inserted just below the skin at strategic points in the body which are known as "acupuncture points". It helps in stimulating the body’s healing process, regulating the flow of energy, mitigating pain and restoring the good health in myriad ways.

This traditional Chinese medicine helps in various body problems that are beyond imagination. Firstly it helps in increasing the fertility of women. The women that get the IVF treatment can increase their chance of pregnancy by 50% if they get the acupuncture therapy as a supplement.

It also helps in reducing the number of headaches without even using Disprin, it is very useful in managing problems with the intensity of the headache. In many cases this Chinese technique has helped patients to extinguish headaches altogether. It is also proved to prevent migraines as it removes the root cause of migraines and that is tension. The benefit of taking acupuncture treatment is that it is harmless and there are no side effects of the procedure. Many patients that suffer from depression are undergoing acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for the condition. It also helps the patient to help fight cravings, enhance the patient’s capability to react optimistically to healthy diet and exercise choices.

It is estimated that 40% of the people have insomnia that involves difficulty in sleeping. One of the non-drug-treatments that will help you get enough sleep is to try acupuncture. In a recent study it has been proved that the use of acupuncture can increase the level of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) which helps in the induction of sleep.

Also, there are various acupuncture centers in Bethesda that are expert in treating Asthama by using Acupressure. If you are looking ways to naturally control diabetes, then acupuncture is the most viable option. It is mostly painless, but sometimes when the needles are inserted a pricking sensation is felt. The continued research on the benefits and effects of acupuncture show this modality that it is an effective treatment and especially if you use it as an adjunctive therapy.

Finding a qualified practitioner of acupuncture is difficult but if you find a reliable practitioner you should immediately start with your treatment. Although acupuncture is somewhat popular it is certainly on the radar of people, something that might be "worth a shot". Acupuncture is completely safe and natural to help you fight many health related problems. To know more about North Virginia acupuncture, visit

About The Author

Kate Ryan is an expert in Chinese medicine and acupuncture who also likes to write many interesting articles and blogs about the field helping people understand these medical alternatives better. She recommends as the best and most trusted clinic for Acupuncture in Bethesda, MD