Miniature Doors are Key in Planning a Fairy or Gnome House

Author: Florence Blum

Whether it is real life or miniature size, a door is defined as "a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier fixed at the entrance or within a closed space such as a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard". Wondering how to use a mini door in your garden? The unique thing about fairy or gnome doors is that you do not need a big garden to add the playfulness of miniature accessories to your yard. All you need to start your fairy garden journey is a tree or stump in your yard. I like to think about doorways as a barrier, similar to a theater curtain, your imagination will build the scene behind it. The first time I saw a mini door accessory I imagined the gnome home behind that door. It inspired images of wood paneling, an elegant library, and a hearth with a big squishy chair just perfect for reading a good book.

You will want to enhance your door with windows, a walkway leading up to the door, a bench and table, or a mailbox to really build on the idea that the stump is a home. You can even add a miniature fence to your garden and create a sense of security with its boundaries. It would be interesting to develop a miniature space within your own yard. If you lack a green thumb but love the idea of adding a little magic to your yard, than a miniature door and it’s matching accents are the perfect beginner steps toward building your first garden scene.

The first time I gifted any miniature garden accessories was to my dear friend Brenna - she is an avid horseback rider and grew up surrounded by true nature on her parents’ farm. Her appreciation for horses, creativity and whimsical expression is the reason we became friends in the first place. I saw a tutorial online for a horse shoe gnome door that I just had to create and our joint interest sprung from there. Miniature gardening is an ideal hobby to share with a friend, you can bounce ideas off of one another, and encourage each other.

It is absolutely fascinating that you can build or buy a door that expresses your own personal interests. When you are looking at someone’s yard every detail should be representative of the things that they love and that inspires them. Your home and yard should be a retreat from the everyday. These miniature doors can be a literal and figurative doorway into your new hobby of "miniature gardening".