Hair Transplant – Procedure & Best Doctor

Author: Sameer Tendulkar

Hair loss is a natural phenomenon and keeps haunting every day. Hair transplant is a better option available. It is a surgical process of restoring hair by transplanting new follicles units into balding or thinning areas. It is also known as hair implantation. It is usually used to correct male-pattern baldness. This procedure is simple and is performed in out-patient unit.

Hair transplant surgery involves transplanting follicular units. Each unit contains one to four hairs in this surgery which are received from the donor site. Doctors deliver safe and effective services of hair transplant with talented and renowned doctors who are available in several centers of fast moving city.


  • Hair transplant is a one procedure. In pre-procedure, the patient is injected with mild sedatives and is given local anesthesia.

Graft Extraction Procedure:

There are two methods of harvesting namely, "strip harvesting" and "follicular unit extraction".

  • In strip harvesting, a single strip of the scalp is taken. The harvesting is done from the area where follicles are plenty. Then with blades, the follicular units are cut to create grafts.

It is the most common method and is more widely used around the world. The recovery time is about2 weeks. This procedure involves stitches/staples which are removed by the surgeon.

  • In follicular unit extraction, tiny punches are made and each follicular unit is removed one at a time. The small micro blades or fine needles are used to make the punctures. From these punctures the grafts are taken.

This method is getting popular due to the natural resembling results it gives. Recovery is less than 7 days. The surgical time and also the cost involved is high. Post-surgical pain and discomfort is less in this method.

Best doctor for hair transplant:

There are talented hair transplant doctors in foreign countries as well as in India. The skills of the doctor make the surgery a success. Centers for hair transplant in Mumbai are few with best doctors for the transplant.

You can get in touch with any one of them and know the entire hair transplant process along with the recovery time and if it suits you; go ahead and get it done.