IPL Skin Rejuvenation: Answer To Your Every Question

Author: Amanda Neuerer

To keep a nice looking skin, one of the most important things to do is avoid the sun and use SPF every time you get to the indoors. While a tanned skin may make you feel sexier, but the freckles that may appear on your skin over the time due to excessive exposure on the sun, will definitely make your feel regret for spending so much time on the beach to get that bronze colour on your skin that you like so much.

If you don't know yet, skin pigmentation is one of the most difficult things to treat topically, according to skin clinic Melbourne specialists. You can try every type of acid in an attempt to get rid of it, but you will never notice much difference. The only solution that really seems to work for skin pigmentation is IPL.

What is IPL?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is also known as photofacial or photorejuvenation treatment. It is performed only at doctor's offices and skin & beauty clinics, and can be amazingly effective for erasing mild sun damage, irregular pigmentation, freckles and light brown spots on the skin.

With IPL treatment, powerful and quick flashes of light are used to treat the skin. The light energy penetrates under the skin's surface, which is actually where the brown pigment (melanin) is situated. Then the heat breaks down this pigment into tiny particles that are either elevated to the surface of the skin as scabs (they will go away within few days), or get carried away by the body's lymphatic system.

Aside of targeting the brown pigment, IPL skin rejuvenation treatment can also lead a subtle effect on fine wrinkles, rosacea, large pores and dilated capillaries.

Like anyone else, you might be wondering about the downtime. For your surprise, there is no downtime with this treatment. Because IPL uses multiple wavelengths of light, it not exactly a laser. That means it works without causing any deep resurfacing. All you may experience is some minor redness on the treated area.

While there are some people who see great results after the first session, but usually, skin clinic Melbourne specialists recommend three to five sessions, thirty days apart, with maintenance visits twice a year.

Expect to pay about $100 and up per treatment, depending on where you go. Always make sure to choose a licensed physician since there are cases of patients who end up with red burns by having the treatment done by unskilled professionals.