Attracting Money through Vastu
Use the power of Vastu to make your house a money magnet.
Money makes the world go round, so let it spin your wheel of fortune.Money grants you the chance to do as you wish.
The important thing you must remember is that your whole house must be healthy as prescribed by Vastu for wealth, health and happiness to reside there. A combination of the ‘Five Elements’(or Panchtattva) and the 16 MahaVastu zones and their presence in your house will determine how you think, react and act.
In the North Vastuzone, ensure that blue is the main colour and wavy shapes predominate. Shades of red will negate the goodness of this zone. Do not keep triangular shapes here as decoration. Do not locate the kitchen or bathroom here, or place the dustbin, broom, washing machine, mixer-grinder here. The kitchen represents Fire and will dilute money, opportunities and career. Keep a money plant in a green vase, or hang a scene showing a lush field or thick forest.
If you are an investor, when you invest in shares, keep your desk in the West Vastu zone, and make decisions seated here. It will definitely bring you gains as this is the area of capital and gains. If you work in the East-South-East Vastu zone, you will remain confused and make the wrong choices. Avoid the South-South-West and West-North-West Vastu zones, too—these will cause financial damage.
The North-West Vastu zoneis that which gets you support (financial) of banks and relevant persons in your ventures. Make sure that zone is Vastu-compliant. The North-North-West and South zones will both boost sales if you have a manufacturing set-up.
Keep the safe, work table, drawing room in the northern areas for healthy money flow. The main colours should be blue, white and green. In the West, the main colours are white and yellow. This is another location for the safe. Use round shapes as these represent the Earth Element here. The West South-West is the zone of savings. Keep this clean and use as a place for studies. You may also keep money and valuables in an iron safe in this area—this will ensure your wealth remains safe.
Many of the houses and flats nowadays come fully furnished. These are equipped with most of the common household items. If improperly placed or located, the room functions, wall and floor colours and materials, the furniture, decoration items, drainage, washing machine, microwave oven and other household objects, can cause considerable havoc.
The East is the area of associations and represents the social connectivity in your life. The main colours are green and blue. Plants and water do well here. A smiling Sun on this wall will boost your social life. With this, you will meet the right people and gain in many ways.
One means to a happy and carefree life is secured wealth. Vastu is the answer to many problems. It can tackle problems in the material plane simply and successfully. Use it and watch your life become easier.
The writer,MahaVastu Expert Prof. Dhanwant Singh,is a CEO of MahaVastuBengaluru Centreand also Founder & Chancellor of the APEX Professional University, Arunachal Pradesh.
Contact: Ms. Madhusmita
MahaVastu Bangalore Centre
Contact No: 8884930000
Tel: 080 23615442, 080 23615559