Choosing a New Water Heater for Your Home

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Choosing a new water heater for your home is not always an easy process. There are many different types of heaters available on the market to choose from, and they all come with a variety of different features and benefits. If you are considering hiring a plumbing contractor to help you install a new heater in your home, here are some of the factors you may want to consider.

Know the Various Types of Water Heaters

One of the first things you will have to do is familiarize yourself with the main types of water heaters on the market. This will help you to decide upon which is the most suitable for your own specific needs.

One popular type of heater is the tankless water heater, which heats the water in the moment that you need it. This allows you to avoid the need to have a storage tank keeping the water warm when you need it. If you would rather have a storage tank of water, you could choose a conventional heater as they usually come with this feature.

There are other types of heaters, including solar power heaters that use solar panels to heat your water using the power from the sun. These are less common, but they can be a great option if you want the most eco-friendly solution.

You may also want to look at tankless coil heaters and heat pump heaters for alternative options, and you may want to ask your plumbing contractor for advice if you have any questions about these.

How to Choose the Right Heater for You

There are a number of things you should consider when it comes to choosing your new water heater for your home, all of which you can discuss with your local plumbing contractor.

One of the first things you may want to look at is the type of fuel the water heater will use to heat your water. Some of the main types of fuel include oil, electricity, gas, solar power and propane, and they all have various advantages and disadvantages. By considering what is important to you when you buy a water heater, you can quickly narrow down your options.

The fuel your heater uses will play a large role in how much you spend on your heating costs. You may only have one type of fuel available where you live, but if you have a selection it may be worth researching the different costs involved, as it could lead to some large savings.

Energy efficiency is also one of the most important factors to consider. If your chosen heater is more fuel-efficient you will end up spending less over the years than using one that is not as fuel-efficient. The heater itself may be more expensive to purchase, but you should consider the savings you will make over the years.

Choose Your Perfect Water Heater

These are just some of the factors involved in choosing a water heater for your home. Also remember it is always a good idea to ask advice from your local plumbing contractor, as they may be able to help you to make a more informed decision, and that can end up saving you money.

Sarah Saadoun works for HMS Plumbing, a family-owned business in Manassas, Northern Virginia. If you need a plumbing contractor, Herve and his dedicated employees at HMS are proud to be serving the plumbing needs of Northern Virginia residents and businesses. For reliable Fairfax plumbers HMS Plumbing is your first choice.