Divya Churna

Author: Daniel Kelly

Nature is full of goodness of ayurveda and is enriched in medicinal herbs that possess amazing curative and therapeutic properties. Astonishing restorative qualities are noticed when a person starts to go the natural way.

The medicinal herbs are carefully searched out and gathered from far and wide, they are then dried crisp and pounded on or rubbed hard with something heavy to make a powder. This fine and miniscule powder is called herbal churna. The powdered churna is sieved through a sieve and the larger size particles are left on the sieve to be crushed again for medicinal purposes. The finer the

particles more they prove their medicinal efficacy.

The herbs are cleaned, dried, pulverized and sieved thoroughly to turn out into a fine smooth powder. The powder or churna is stored in airtight containers and it maintains its remedial potency for a certain period of time. The absorption rate is better if it the powder is very fine and Divya churna has shown effectiveness in medical conditions like acidity, hyperacidity, kidney stones, stomach problems, skin disorders, asthma, bronchitis, constipation, digestion, arthritis, stomach cleanser, etc and a lot more.

Medical disorders like ingestion, diabetes, constipation are common illnesses which can be kept at arms distance with the help of the herbal Divya churna. Conventional modes of treatment prescribe antacids to taper down stomach problems and long term medicines taken for the stomach which are made with aluminum may cause neurological disturbances like Alzheimer’s, but side-effect free ayurvedic churnas prepared by Baba Ramdev’s Divya pharmacy, have shown immense improvement in stomach disorders.

Baba Ramdev used natural herbs to prepare churnas like Divya bilwadi churna which is an amazing help in hyperacidity. Belching, stomach upheavals, acidity, flatulence and nausea can be improved by taking herbal churnas.

Ramdev has also come out with the effective Patanjali Shatavar churna that is a nutritive supplement for women and it also helps in keeping the female organs healthy and free from disease. The female body needs herbs that can keep the reproductive organs nourished and healthy.

He has also prepared an ayurvedic churna for healthy disease free lungs. The herbs in this churna help in bronchitis and coryza and the Divya Sitopaladi Choorna is known to provide relief in throat infections and lung disorders. Respiratory diseases can be improved with the help of this herbal remedy. In cold weather, respiratory distress can stop normal activity of a person and the Divya Sitopaladi Choorna has first-rate herbs to keep respiratory infections away.

Digestive system performs various functions but proper food absorption is the main goal. If this system gets messed up the hydrochloric acid starts to increases in the stomach and it leads to abdomen. Ignoring stomach conditions can lead to problems like liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction and general stomach discomfort. Besides a healthy and balanced diet one needs to keep stomach problems under control. A disease free body ensures a good immune system. Ramdev ji recognizes the importance of a healthy immunity and has a churna for boosting energy and immunity.