Google Kills Flash Ads and Other Tech News Today

Author: Q3 Technologies

So much is going on in tech today, we’re doing another mashup of tech news. Well, here goes the top tech news on Feb 12, 2016.

Google Kills Flash Ads, Switches to HTML5

After Steve Jobs’ historic paper on why Apple will never incorporate Flash into their flagship products, it appears he was right all along. Google is going to kill Flash ads on its network.

Flash started out as a pretty big accomplishment for Adobe, giving rise to a new form of multimedia from websites to video players. However, security vulnerabilities and unpatched versions have proven to be a nuisance for many companies, has and caused the downfall of the iconic platform.

On June 30, Google will stop accepting new Flash advertisements on its Adwords platform along with its DoubleClick Display network. Additionally, on 2 Jan 2017, Google will no longer display Flash ads on any of its networks, thus finally ending support for Flash forever.

Google recommends using HTML5 for advertising for obvious reasons. Adobe, too, insists HTML5 is the future, and has a software called Animate CC that creates HTML5 content for the web. However, it can create Flash content as well.

Facebook Revives Messenger, Integrates SMS and Other Features

Making strides towards their New Year Resolution to make the phone number disappear for good, Facebook beefed up the Messenger app with some new features. Recently, some Android users reported seeing a new SMS pane in their Messenger. After confirmation, Facebook says it is, indeed, testing new features for Messenger.

"At Messenger, we are always trying to create new ways for people to communicate seamlessly with everyone. Right now, we’re testing the ability for people to easily bring all their conversations — from SMS and Messenger — to one place. It’s a really simple way to get, see and respond to all your SMS messages in just one app. By choosing to access your SMS messages in Messenger, they’re right alongside all the other enhanced features that Messenger offers," Facebook said.

Facebook plans to add SMS support to the app. Along with this, the Menlo Park-based social media giant plans to allow users to use multiple Facebook accounts on the app.

Google Developing Virtual Reality Headset of the Future

VR is catching up rapidly, with many companies trying to get VR sets to the common man. Blue chip giants have invested billions to acquire some of the emerging players in VR.

However, most of these VR devices are powered by a computer or smartphone. Now, Google is in the process of developing a stand-alone VR device without the need of any external interface. The device will have a processor powered by Movidius, outward cameras and its own screen.

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