How One Stitch Face Lift Surgery Works
If you don't want to run the risk of a wind tunnel face due to a botched face lift, it might be a good idea to consider less invasive (in fact minimally invasive) procedures to restore your youthful looks. A lot of people were content with Botox and fillers for quite a time, but nowadays, patients over 40 are becoming more curious about one-stitch face lifting. What this surgery does is lift the cheeks and jowls, tighten saggy necks, and reduce double chins, without the prospect of going under general anesthetic, enduring months of recovery, and potential scarring. One stitch face lift surgery is instead done under local anesthesia and involves only one stitch on either side of the head, concealed and buried in the hair.
Surgeons and experts testify that this procedure is very ideal and the results very natural-looking, especially for women around the age of 40 who may not need or want the full works, but think and feel that their sagging skin is starting to make their face look old and tired.
Facial skin slowly droops as you get older. While this part of aging can't be helped, there are ways that you can retard the appearance of a slack profile, wrinkles, and saggy skin, without necessarily having to go through ultra invasive surgical procedures. A cousin to contemporary face lift, one stitch face lift is a less invasive approach that involves placing a piece of fine thread down the cheeks from your hairline, thus pulling the sagging skin up from the inside, through a pulley system. The procedure takes only about 30 minutes to an hour to complete, and it can be done under local anesthesia. It will also leave you virtually scar free as incisions and stitches are made on the hairline, effectively concealing them.
The treat that is run through your facial skin looks much like a plastic fishing wire with a series of tiny knots, each capped by a miniature cone along the line. These cones are made out of dissolvable natural glycolic and they work to catch in the deep layers of the skin and anchor the tread so that the skin can be hooked upwards. The tread on the other hand is made out of non-biodegradable polypropolene, a material that has been used in surgery for decades. This tread stays in the skin forever, although the results of the procedure can be reversed by cutting the strings to allow your face to go back to its former state.