What is Kinesiology Therapy and How is it Helpful?

Author: Mullum Herbals

Kinesiology is a Greek work whose root is kinesis which means motion. In the field of medical sciences Kinesiology is the study of the body muscles and their movement. This science is fast gaining popularity in the area of natural modern healthcare. The practice of Kinesiology is based on testing of the muscles. Most people desire to live a life that is balanced and one of the objectives of kinesiology is to assist a person to locate imbalances in his or her body so that such a person can work towards establishing a form of equilibrium.

This equilibrium cannot be achieved without the help of a professional Kinesiologist. By booking an appointment at a herbal dispensary, you will have a kinesiologist assess your health state by testing your body muscles. The testing doesn’t necessarily imply that the purpose is to find out whether you have toned muscles or not. The idea is to figure out where any emotional, nutritional, chemical, or physical imbalance is located.

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that perceives the body in totality as opposed to distinct parts. It can be an easy way to assess whether a food, supplement orIn the instance that the kinesiologist locates an imbalance in the muscles, he or she will attempt at increasing energy flow through the utilization of acupressure as well as point specific manipulation of the body to help in the circulation of energy.

How is Kinesiology Helpful?

There have been patients who walk into herbal dispensary with unspecified aches or pains that are persistent. In addition to advising them to use a blend of high quality organic herbs, the practitioners may also recommend kinesiology to help find the underlying cause.

Kinesiology has also been used in the identification of allergies. Normally, the practitioner will test the reaction of your body to diverse foods. If there is a weak reaction of the muscle then there is a high likelihood of intolerance or allergy toward that specific food. On the hand, if there is a strong reaction from your muscles there is a high probability that your body reacts well to it. This is especially useful in identifying triggers of chronic disease.

Other issues that can be diagnosed and eased using kinesiology include: anxiety, headaches, learning difficulties, low energy, skin conditions, and stress. In addition to these conditions, the treatment has been known to have positive effects on a patient’s emotional wellbeing. By accessing your body’s innate power to heal itself, Kinesiology therapy can be a great way to achieve harmony and balance.