Hairline design is one of the most important aspect
Health is wealth, well defined by food habits, isn’t it? You must be thinking, how food is related with Hair Transplantation. Deficiency of vitamin E, results in thin hair, falling and dandruff of hair, which is one of the major causes for hair transplantation. With age, people start losing their hair from the crown region or frontal part, which may appear embarrassing affect the personality of a human being, making them feel inferior. Many men and women are undertaking this hair restoration surgery, just like another cosmetic one, to enhance their physical appearance. More than 90% of people think that option for hair transplantation is better which isn’t usually in either case.
Only few women type a specific type of hair loss which makes them suitable candidates for Hair Transplantation. Many women have diffused loss of hair, overall hair thinning of head, including back and sides which act as donor sites for men. These are the portions from which hair is mainly removed and transplantation proceeds to other head areas. In males, the donor portions are known as stable sites, that mean the follicles and hair in such areas are affected by DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This shrinks hair follicles of the head. It is the situation with alopecia, i.e commonly known as baldness in males.
Whereas, if the female baldness pattern is considered then thinning of hairs are due to deficiency of calcium, vitamins contribute for hair transplantation. Many women want to look great and enjoy a completely transformed look which is possible with cosmetic hair treatments. These are painless procedure, that don’t consume much time and guarantee effective results for a long time. Women opting for the procedure have dead hair follicles, crown area problems and much more due to which this treatment helps them gain back healthy, long and lustrous hair. There are female donors available, but a doctor has to make sure that donor isn’t unstable which may be potentially unethical and trying to reap economic advantage of patient.
What type of women are suitable candidates for hair transplantation?
As per new research, very few women actually need the hair transplantation surgery. Nearly 2-5% women suffer from hair loss which can benefit from the procedure. These are:
Women suffered from severe hair fall due to traction alopecia or mechanical (non hormonal).
Women who earlier have undergone plastic surgery and concerned for hair loss surrounding incision sites can easily undergo the treatment.
Women suffering from distinct baldness pattern, similar to that in males can opt for treatment. It includes vertex thinning, hairline recession (scalp top or crown), and donor area which is unaffected from androgenetic alopecia.
There are female cases suffering from burn victims, hair loss post trauma, scarring or chemical burns are ideal cases for hair transplantation.
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