Lean Books – The Resources for Success

Author: John Robert

A great manager will recognize that the effectiveness of employees in any work role is not necessarily their ability to memorize all policies and procedures in the workplace, but instead be able to identify where they can find that information when the situation requires. When you are working with that understanding, then the most important determination then becomes what resources are required to be retained in the office for the whole group and what needs to be assigned to every individual employee.

Provide It in Writing

Video has changed the way that we look at training and development of staff. While creating some new advantages for visual learners, one of the challenges of that form of training is that over time, memory fades and there isn’t an opportunity for immediate reference and recall of the delivered content. This is when you are better served to provide the required material in writing.

Ensuring that lean books are available to employees on the job site and that employees know where they are when they need them, can be an important element to any job site kaizen training program. Books offer an opportunity for onsite refresher training with shift staff, and can also be used by individuals as part of their own self-directed review of the company’s direction – both operationally and administratively.

Resource material available covers every aspect of lean development for business right from floor plans and facility layout, through production and even the philosophy and procedure of audits and reviews of company operations. Both for developing and communicating a standard of performance, as well as a reference for those employees with an ambition to ascend through the ranks of the company, providing written literature is valuable for your whole team.

While some material presents introductory and general information, other books are more specific to different manufacturing sectors. Such is the case with the 5S Auto Body Training Package. Recognized as the template used by the Japanese auto industry to vault them to a position as world leaders in their field, the lean approaches to automotive manufacturing are among the most lauded of all available training. The program educates staff about reduction of waste, the structure for improvement as well as the marriage of procedures and applicable equipment to create an effective and comprehensive workplace strategy that could well be recognized as ‘running a tight ship’.

In fact, the value of this instruction has been so well recognized that it has resulted in the formal development of a study mission program to Japan where leaders from multiple industries and commercial interests are invited to visit Japan, learn about the program from the architects of its development and see the program in operation in manufacturing environments in that country.

To identify a specific production need or to create a resource library that promotes personal and professional growth for staff that work as members of your team, the use of lean training material in print can be a worthy investment in both your staff and your business.