Share customer information using ACT hosting

Author: Johnson Lee

The application hosts all data related to a company to make customers easy access the client data anytime. The prospect customer and existing customer information is all stored in one database software application called ACT. Customer information is important for strong business entity and growth. All the customers’ data are arranged in a sequence order. The arranged data of customers becomes easy for users to access any required data of a customer. Act! The customer contact management software is marketed by Sage. Firms of small and medium sized can grow with this robust customer relationship management software. The application was dedicated to small sized firms which further modified for other organizations. Startups and self-employed professionals maintain their customer database with Act application. There are many users of the CRM application Act! to manage their customers or clients.

ACT application can integrate with any application of Microsoft. This feature makes easy to access and secure the data of the customers or clients. It eliminates manual data record of data of the customers of a company. Applications like Access, Word and Excel can integrate with the ACT when defined by the end user. Some other applications like MAC, UNIX and Linux can integrate with CRM application ACT too. ACT is available as free trial software for users who wish to gain knowledge on the application. It is a 30 day trial offer hence users must get most benefit of learning before it expires. End users can check for other source like webinars running live and recorded to get more expertise on ACT. Tutorials and videos are some other source of application learning. It is easy to install on any device like mobile, tablet, laptop or a computer. All devices are compatible with ACT and users can learn the customer contact application process on their convenience. ACT hosting in the cloud and desktop are two main source of accessing the customer contact application.

Even prospect customer information gets automatically upgraded in the system. Sage delivers system upgrades to make the application prosper for its customers. Users should purchase a license of the application to maintain client data. They should contact Sage online or phone to get the application license. New customers get discount to save some money with tips to get started with the system. ACT hosting on desktop is on premise hosting which is a legacy system. Desktop hosting is operated on local servers by the professionals which increases the operating cost of the firm because there are maintenance, infrastructure and IT costs to be managed by users. ACT hosting on cloud is online hosting of the application that is located on remote web servers. They are managed by hosting providers with security and reliability. Online hosting is cost effective solution which allows users to access the web hosted system anytime anywhere.