Static VS Dynamic which is Better

Author: Nexevo Technologies

Static VS Dynamic which is Better

What is Static Website?

A Static Website is the easiest sort of site you can fabricate. Static sites are composed in HTML and CSS just, with no scripting. The main type of intelligence on a static site is hyperlinks.

In the event that you plan your site to be a little one (3 pages or less), then a static site may be the simplest approach to go. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you need to share components between pages, (for example, logos or menus), you'll need to copy the HTML on every page.

Static sites are simpler to make than element sites, since they require less coding and specialized learning. Nonetheless, completely static sites are extremely remarkable nowadays, since there is so much that scripting can do. Nexevo Technologies Web Design Bangalore is creating the best static websites with affordable cost. If you are looking for design and development for static website you can contact Nexevo Technologies sales Department ( or 8880102111)

What is Dynamic Website?

A site, or individual site page, can be static or element. A static site contains data that does not change. It continues as before, or static, for each viewer of the site. A dynamic site contains data that progressions, contingent upon the viewer, the time, the time zone, the viewer’s local dialect, and different elements. For instance, the Computer Hope fundamental page is a dynamic site that progressions every day naturally.

A dynamic site can contain customer side scripting or server-side scripting to create the evolving content, or a mix of both scripting sorts. These locales additionally incorporate HTML programming for the fundamental structure. The customer side or server-side scripting deals with the guts of the site. Nexevo Technologies Web Experts Bangalore is well knowledge providing the highest level of aesthetic design balanced with an emphasis on functionality.

Which Should You Choose?

Numerous individuals lean toward element sites since they have a considerable measure of advantages. Dynamic locales diminish progressing upkeep costs, make information administration exceptionally proficient, and empower the expansion of any future add-ons, for example, information nourishes or a thorough site seek. They additionally make it difficult to annihilate the format, as might happen in the event that you alter it from a page editorial manager.


Nexevo Technologies is a Leading Website Design, Development and Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore, India. Our Company has 5+ years’ experience in Web services and Internet marketing Services. Our team has 50+ Professional Experts who all are having 5+ years of experience in their Specialization. Nexevo Technologies are at web design companies, give results-oriented methodology to every client, we provide the most applicable solution to achieve long term goals.

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Nexevo Technologies - Web Design Company Bangalore

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