Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County Fulfillment Event in Torrance

Author: Jack Owl

In the year 1980, Nancy G. Brinker made a promise to her sister, Susan, who was dying, that she would do anything &everything to put an end to the breast cancer forever. In fact, it was in 1982 that promise became the Susan G. Komen® organization and thus was a commencement of a universal movement. This began with $200 and a shoebox bursting with possible donor names has now developed into the world’s biggest nonprofit foundation of financial support for the struggle against the breast cancer. Till date, there have been more than $2.6 billion in revolutionary research, community health outreach, support and programs in more than 30 countries.

Their hard work has greatly helped to lower down the death rates from breast cancer by 34 percent since the year 1990; and has been of great help to advance five-year relative survival rates for early stage cancers from 74 to 99 percent. At Susan G. Komen, their duty is to save lives and finish the breast cancer ceaselessly by empowering others, guaranteeing the quality care for all and revitalizing science to discover the cures. They finance more breast cancer investigations than any other nonprofit and convey instantaneous assistance to those facing the disease. Since the year 1982, they have managed to fund more than $847 million in study, more than $1.8 billion in screening, tutoring, cure and psychosocial support, and served millions in more than 60 countries globally.

So, here is news for the people of Torrance. Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County Fulfillment Event is going to be held in Torrance on Sunday, the 6th of March 2016 at New Balance. You can book a Torrance taxi to drop you at the event venue. Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series is the world’s chief and most unbeaten learning and fundraising event for the breast cancer disease ever formed. The event raises considerable funds and alertness for the breast cancer movement, enjoys the breast cancer survivorship and accommodates the people those who have lost their encounter with the disease. The uniqueness of the event lies in the fact that 100% of the net profits are billed to their job. 75% of the net income remains in their community to help out fund local programs that provide breast health learning and breast cancer screening and cure. The outstanding 25 percent of the net income assists the Susan G. Komen® Grants Program.

In this event, the contestants may sign up and obtain all the resources they will require for the race, together with their race-bib number& tee-shirt. New Balance will also provide in-store money off to the registered race contestants on objects bought that day. So, let us book a Wilmington cab to get to the event.You might drive to this event but let me warn you that it might take lot of time due to heavy traffic and you might face some parking problems as well. Therefore, it always better to book a cab.One can also search the web to gather more detailed information about this event.

About The Author

Ron Morgan is the market representative for United Checker Cab. United Checker Cab Company offers efficient curb to curb service from the oldest, largest and most efficient taxi company in the Wilmington, Lomita, Torrance, Hawthorne, South Bay area. Our courteous, professional drivers offer dependable service