Braces vs. Invisalign: What’s More Affordable? By Ryan Hawke

Author: Amitava Sarkar

When it comes to things you "want" instead of things you "need," your budget is limited. However, aligning your teeth isn’t really something you "want" – if you’re considering it, you really need it. Perhaps your parents weren’t able to afford braces for you as a child. Or maybe you did have braces and your teeth have shifted again. In either case, having crooked teeth can not only affect your dental health – because it makes it more difficult to clean your teeth and gums – but it can also affect your self-esteem.

Veneers, dental implants and crowns are all instant options to transform a crooked or gapped smile, and the right cosmetic dentist will help you decide if any of those options are right for you. However, if your teeth need a lot of alignment, you’ll probably need a full alignment system like braces or Invisalign. If you don’t have dental insurance – or even if you do and your deductible is high – you’re probably worried about the cost. There are payment options like a no-interest credit card exclusively for healthcare costs that can help you afford alignment. However, while cost should play a role in your decision, it shouldn’t be the only thing you consider.

The Cost of Braces

The cost of braces depends largely on the extent of your alignment plan. Some patients are finished after half a year, while others continue wearing braces for three or more years. The longer you need treatment, the greater the cost of the treatment, but you can expect to spend an average of $5000 to $6000.

The Cost of Invisalign

As with braces, the longer you require Invisalign treatment, the more it will cost. However, the cost is typically less, averaging somewhere between $1000 and $5000, depending on the number of trays you’ll need to complete treatment.

Other Invisalign Advantages to Consider

Price shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when it comes to choosing. Invisalign is more popular among adults and teens because it offers these advantages over braces:

  • Less pain and discomfort, as there are no sharp metal parts that poke into your gums and inner cheeks
  • No limitations on diet because you remove the aligner in order to eat, and there’s no risk of sticky or sharp foods breaking any of the material
  • No embarrassment, as virtually no one will be able to tell you’re wearing anything since Invisalign is a series of clear aligners, unlike braces, which anyone can see when you open your mouth
  • Fewer visits to the dentist, as braces typically require monthly band changes and retightening and Invisalign works without adjustment as you simply change to the next level of aligner after you’ve worn one for a certain number of weeks

An Invisalign alignment plan is also easily adjustable. For example, if your teeth haven’t moved quite as you’d like by the end of the prescribed treatment, you can get another session of trays to move them further. Likewise, if you’re happy with how they look earlier on than planned, continuing the treatment is up to you. (However, with both braces and Invisalign, you will have to wear a retainer at least part-time for years or even the rest of your life in order to retain the alignment.)

When it comes to choosing how to straighten your teeth, the cost of the procedure is less important than the results and the comfort level of the procedure. Invisalign costs less than you might think, and it’s often preferable to braces, especially if you’re starting treatment as an adult. Schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist today to discuss all of your options.

About the Author: Ryan Hawke is a New York area blogger and consultant on healthcare issues. He recommends Park Slope Dentistry to anyone in the area in need of affordable teeth alignment.