The Importance of Nutrition in Schools for Our Children

Author: Amilie Brown

We have all heard our parent and grandparents say that back in their days things were very different and better especially when it comes to food and nutrition. We have probably even laughed at their expense. But when you actually get down to comparing the nutritional intake and eating habits of our grandparents, parents and even our own selves when we were younger, you will agree that today’s children do not eat healthy. Modern children eat only calories and not good nutritional food. This combined with much decreased physical activities of the little ones, the children’s health and growing obesity is a real cause of concern. It is therefore essential to give our children proper food education and also teach them everything about where does food come from actually. There are many food processing and other related companies who conduct food school programs through which they teach the school children the nutritional aspects of food and explain to them the meaning of good food and nutrition.

There are also advance food education programs for children which are designed to make the child understand the amount of calories they should eat and the kind of food they should be eating at their age. The fact is that the modern children face nutritional challenges, therefore food school programs have proved very useful and essential too. The children today eat at least 200 calories more than their actual requirement through unhealthy snacks alone. Portion sizes have become so large today that it is nearly five times the size we had when we were children. The statistics show that we eat 31 % more in terms of calories, 56% more in fats and 14 % more in sugar than we did three decades ago. This has resulted in obesity in adults and predominantly in children. To correct this the school programs on food have proved very useful. The authorities are also paying attention to the improving the condition of school lunches today. The nutritional content in the food served to children in schools are much better today. This has ensured that the children eat healthy food in school too.

But apart from this if the children are taught where does food come from, it also helps in making the child understand food chain and various other such statistics. The food school programs gives the school children a first-hand experience into the different types of farming in the country. The enterprises offer the children accessible, cost effective, and unique and hassle free excursions which are virtual. The teachers also distribute manuals and worksheets which go beyond the field of agriculture and food production. The food schools program is incorporated into the subjects in the school. The object of these programs is to educate the children about food, fiber production and much more. The children are also given 50 nutritious and delicious recipes. The aim of such programs is to make the children aware of where the food comes from to the dining table. The children are also made aware of the nutritional aspects of food besides the taste, which can encourage them to eat what is good for their health.