Understanding Cancer can Help Determine which Option is Best for Treatment
What is cancer?
Cancer is basically out of control cell growth. The growths are different classes of diseases with over 100 types. Each type is classified by the original cell that is affected. Similarly, most cancers are named after the impacted area. For example, if there is cancer in the breast it is simply called breast cancer. There are 5 basic groups that are typically used to classify cancer. The five types are Carcinoma (lung, breast, and colon cancer), Sarcoma (bone, muscle, and cartilage), Lymphoma (lymph nodes and immune system tissues), Leukemia (bone marrow and accumulate in the blood stream), and Adenoma (thyroid, pituitary gland, and other glandular tissues). All of these, with the exception of leukemia, harm the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably. The dividing cells form lumps or masses called tumors. There are two different types of tumors; benign and cancerous. Usually benign tumors will stay in one spot and don’t see much growth. Cancerous tumors grow and as they increase in size, they interfere with many normal functions of the body such as the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems.
What are reasons someone gets cancer?
There are a lot of different things people believe cause cancer, but many of the them have little or no scientific evidence to support the belief. There are certain things that have been proven to increase the likelihood of cancer. Things such as using tobacco or spending a lot of time in the sun have shown to greatly increase the probability of cancer. The challenge scientists and doctors have had, is pinpointing anything that absolutely will cause cancer cells to form. Tobacco use, excessive time in the sun, and certain genetics all can increase the likelihood, but none of them have shown to absolutely cause cancer. For example, someone that smokes a lot isn’t guaranteed to get cancer. In turn, someone that has never used tobacco could also end up with cancer.
What are the best treatments for cancer?
Every cancer case is unique and so they need to be treated on an individual basis. The key is finding the best possible options for treatment. Fortunately, there are specialty cancer treatment centers in Salt Lake City such as Gamma West Cancer Services. The most common types of treatment are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Each of these could be used for different types of cancer and can even all be used together to get better results. When deciding on treatment make sure to consult your doctor and other healthcare professionals to make the best decision possible.