A. P. J. Abdul Kalam: The Man, The Missile, The Mission

Author: Devesh Chawla

Called as the 'Missileman' as respect, he was no less than a missile. His achievement and success carried India to a height in the space research and development. He was indeed a noble man with a great determination to do something remarkable in life, and he succeeded too. But, do you even know that what were his struggles to earn money and livelihood to study and excel? Well, if you know then you must have found an inspiration in your life, but if you are still unaware then read this blog.

He struggled for the basic amenities

In the childhood, when a kid thinks of toys and games, the man, born on 15 October 1931 to Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma in Rameshwaram was acquainted with the thought of his family and its well-being. He, during his childhood, supported his family’s financial condition by earning small wagers by selling the newspaper. He used to earn these wages after the school hours when his other friends and schoolmen used to relax down in their home and enjoy their meals. Although, he might not be earning a lot, but his effort was truly remarkable and pristine.

The achievements are the actual reflection of what he suffered

With so much of hurdles in life, the man excelled and become an honorary name to be respected and accredited worldwide. In his educational life, he completed his schooling and then graduated in 1954 from Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli. His career to earn a tag as a missile man was set back with his enrollment into Aerospace Engineering at MIT. He then worked as a chief scientist in the Aeronautical Development Establishment, DRDO, and directed the team at ISRO to develop the ballistic missiles. His direction paid off well when a locally built Rohini-1 was launched with the SLV rocket. His pivotal role in the field of space research and the mission of PRITHVI and AGNI cannot be forgotten.

Few other achievements of the man are ‘Pokhran II Nuclear test,’ which immortalized him with the title, Missile Man of INDIA, and his leadership as the 11th president of India. He also wrote books, like India 2020, Ignited Minds, Mission India, The Luminous Sparks, and Inspiring Thoughts, which can enlighten your path if read. Although there can be only one A.P.J Abdul Kalam, but you can follow his steps to be counted among the achievers.