Choosing Best Dehumidifier for Small House

Author: Jack Davis

If you have already made up your mind that you need a dehumidifier then probably you may be wondering which size would be the best for your small house. Choosing the right humidifier could get a little tricky because there are many factors involved. However, you can always make the right choice if you know a few things about your house as well as dehumidifiers. Here are a few things to consider.

Consider the condition of the room

Whether you have a small house or a big house, the first thing you need to consider before buying the dehumidifier is the condition of the room. The size of the room does not always determine the size of the dehumidifier. It is the amount of moisture and humidity in the air which will dictate the dehumidifier type the most. For instance, if you have a large and airy room which gets all the natural light and sunshine during the day then it will not require a large sized dehumidifier as the humidity level would most likely be low. However, if you have a small room with no ventilation and surrounded by the other rooms, it is more likely to have higher humidity level. Therefore, the small room will need a bigger dehumidifier as compared to the large, airy room. Know the dampness level and then decide accordingly.

Choosing the dehumidifier type by dampness level in the room

Let us consider that you have a small room with the area of no more than 300 sq. Ft. Depending upon the dampness level in the room, you will choose one of the dehumidifiers. The dampness could be put into four broad categories – slightly damp, moderately damp, very damp, and wet. If the room is slightly damp then its humidity level would be around 50 to 60%. In that case, a 30 pint dehumidifier would be good enough. For moderately damp small room with 60 to 70% humidity, again, 30 pint would be sufficient. If the dampness is high (70 to 85%) then you will need a 40 pint dehumidifier. If the room is extremely damp, to the level of being wet, with humidity in the 85-100% range, then a 45 pint dehumidifier would be the best.

How to determine the humidity level

Whether you are buying a residential or industrial dehumidifier, to make the right choice, it is important to determine the dampness level. Finding the level of humidity is very easy. You can use the tool called hygrometer for this purpose. This tool gives the accurate reading of the humidity level in a particular area. Hygrometer is easily available in many stores that supply the products related to home maintenance and repair. ACH or Air Changes Per Hour is another factor that can determine the type of dehumidifier. If the ACH is low then you will need a lower capacity dehumidifier.