Contraceptives Device - An Ideal Birth Control Option

Author: Jay Agarwal

Introduction- Contraceptive method is one of the most discussed topics in any country, at any place among women. It was back in 1952 when India, officially announced to have a control over the population. Since then various kinds of contraceptive options have come into the market. Today we are going to discuss in India, which are most commonly used rather popular contraceptives device used in India.

By the time people started to become conscious about birth control and realized to adopt it, there is various contraceptive devices used in India, among people of various age group. But still people are not so much aware of these methods because in India, sex study is still not open. But as things are changing people are getting interested to know various sources and its advantage and side effects, so that they can choose properly.

Contraceptive devices in India is no more confined to women only, now there are contraceptive even available for men. But as India is still male dominated society it is women who are mostly adopting it and going through various surgical methods.

Now let us take a look at the available contraceptive devices used in India as birth control methods:

Intrauterine Device

Intrauterine Device which is popularly known as IUD. In India it is popularly known as copper- T as it is T-shaped. As this is the inexpensive and easy method as nothing to follow, no regular routine, so it is used people of all age groups and of all class. IUD required doctor’s help to get inserted. There is two version available one is copper IUD and another is hormone iUD. Both does the same work. Copper IUD prevents sperm from getting into contact with the egg. The hormone IUD thickens the cervix muscle and does not allow sperm to flow to the egg and thus prevents to ovulate. The hormone IUD prevents heavy bleeding during periods too. This contraceptive device is effective for three to five years.

Birth Control Ring

Birth Control Ring is a hormonal contraceptive device which is inserted into the vagina and works in the similar way of contraceptive pills. These birth control rings are easy to insert. Any woman can do that on her own. The Birth control is effective for three weeks. And the fourth week needs to be left out ring free for periods. The birth control ring if comes out at a time, you can wash it and reinsert it.

Contraceptive Injection

The contraceptive injection is another common method which does the same work of contraceptive pills which taken on a regular basis. But this contraceptive injection is effective for 15o days. Ones it is injected it releases medroxyprogesterone into your body, which protects your egg from ovulating.

Contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills is a commonly used form by women of all generation, who want to stay away from getting pregnant. The pills are to be taken for twenty-one days and then for seven days will be no pill phase in which they will have periods. The contraceptive pills change the hormonal balance. They release a small dose of estrogen which helps to control the eggs from ovulating and moreover thickens the cervix muscle and does not allow to the sperm to get in touch with the eggs.

Male pills are also in use, but it is still a myth in India. Male pills help to reduce the sperm production and it does not affect the libido system.

Choosing the right contraceptive device for yourself depends on various factors, age, body state, health factors. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before you adopt any contraceptive method.