Sisal Carpets for Accentuating the Looks of your Living Spaces

Author: Carpet Express

Carpets are the life and soul of every home, and it is indeed difficult to imagine a home that has no carpets to dress up its floors. Yes, carpets are to homes what clothes are to people. Without carpets, not only the house looks empty and barren, but also make your floors look unappealing and dirty. This is because carpets not only add to the beauty of your home but also protect your floors and all surrounding areas from dust and dirt. There are so many benefits of carpets that one just cannot avoid them. So, regardless of whether you are planning to decorate your home from the scratch, or are keen to give it a striking makeover, it is a good idea to explore sisal carpets on sale, both online and offline.

Do know that shopping and hunting for carpets, without any knowledge of what to look for in them, can prove to be a tedious affair. This is the reason why many homeowners would rather put up with their old styled and worn out carpets than go hunting for new decors. Here are a few golden tips and useful information that will aid you in resolving such issues and choose the perfect carpet for every need.

What is a Sisal Carpet?

Sisal Carpets are affordable and beautiful carpets that not only enhance the look of any given room, but also add to the overall aesthetic value of the same. Sisal owes its existence to Agave Sisalan Cactus from Brazil and Africa, whose long fibrous qualities allow it to be turned into a smooth and textured yarn. Additionally, these fibers are tough and durable, thereby making Sisal carpets the most preferred choice for many people. Made up of natural materials, they add oodles of elegance to all living spaces. Sisal boasts of anti-static qualities and is fire resistant in nature. In its natural form, it can range from creamy white to pale yellow color, but can be customized using dyes into any color of choice.

Various ways to use Sisal carpets

Typically, these carpets are used for covering hardwood floors, but they can be used in many other ways as well. For instance, such rugs and carpets can be put over more expensive floor decorations, or used for covering wear, tear or stains on the main carpet. These carpets give your room that much required facelift and a brilliant touch-up. Overall, sisal carpets can blend in anywhere and everywhere one wants them to, whether it is the dining room, bedroom or some other place.

Benefits of choosing Sisal Carpets

  • Go green:

For the ones who are simply in love with nature or environment, sisal carpets is a perfect choice. These carpets are made from natural fibers and have no hint of synthetic elements added to them. They bring in purely natural elements into their users’ homes. A perfect pick for nature lovers!

  • Huge range of amazing varieties:

Sisal carpets are available in super natural colors, including white and pale yellow colors. They can be dyed to get a more glammed up look. So, when you are out to buy a sisal carpet, you will definitely not run out of options. Their extravagant choices and decked up colors will lead to confusion in choosing the one for your place, so choose accordingly!

  • Fit in almost everywhere:

Sisal carpets can fit in almost anywhere and everywhere. They go well in the kitchen, dining room, center hall, bedroom and any other place that you can imagine a carpet to be. With such quality, it is but obvious that these carpets should be the first pick for anyone.

Super easy to clean:

One of the most essential key points that make sisal carpets the best choice for you is their easy maintenance. They can be cleaned just like any other rug. The biggest advantage they hold to their credit is that they are repellent to water and stains. So, it becomes very easy to clean and maintain them in the long run.

  • Remodeling was never so easy:

It is a well-known fact that remodeling the home takes tons of efforts and lots of brainstorming. But with sisal carpets, it has become a piece of cake for everybody. Just toss in a sisal carpet and see its magic unfold on your floors!

  • Anti-static:

This means that no matter what the weather is, dry, humid or otherwise, these carpets don’t get any static charge. Unlike other synthetic carpets that get charged and start attracting all sorts of dust and dirt towards them, sisal carpets, because of their organic qualities, present no such charge.

Tips to care for your sisal carpet

  • Keep away from moisture:

As sisal carpets are made up of natural substances, they attract liquids and moisture which may hamper their quality. So when cleaning them, it is preferred not to use water or any other kind of liquid detergents.

  • Dry clean:

Dry Cleaning is the best way to take care of your sisal carpet as this ensures a long life with consistent quality.

  • Vacuum:

Either vacuum, or scrape off the dry materials with some blunt edges so that they do not get remain on the surface of your carpets. This way, they will last quite long and will retain their quality as well.

  • Less of the solution:

It is advised to use liquid solutions in small or minimal amounts to clean sisal rugs. Thus, they won’t absorb any liquid will get cleaned simultaneously.

Where to purchase from?

Though some buyers would get these carpets from brick-and-mortar shops, it is favored to buy sisal rugs online. This is because, buying processes become easier as your carpets will be delivered directly to your house without any hassles of going from shop to shop, or lugging them home. You might also get discount sisal carpets if you are lucky!

Having known so much, we are sure that shopping for a sisal carpet will be a piece of cake for you. Just go for it, today!