New Age Seating Arrangement For Churches

Author: James Wright

With recession and economy crunch, more and more churches are looking for cost effective options when it comes to seating, furnishing and flooring choices. Used church furniture is naturally turning into a popular choice in situations where the budget is not adequate to invest in new ones. Many are renovating their existing structures to achieve a space makeover. Instead of the traditional pews, they prefer theatre style sitting arrangements. Instead of conventional pews use of proper design in chairs having self-lifting seats increases the accommodating capacity of the churches by 20% on an average.

Instead of upping the style quotient such inputs signify stewardship. The faster the churches realize the benefits of traffic flow and seat capacities, they shift away from pew conventional designs to theatre arrangement. It is important to optimize the available seating capacities, thus many are making use of the existing spaces like simulcast venue and the fellowship halls. This is in a bid to deal with the space crunch fallout of membership increase. Church chairs for sale also have numerous takers and these take up limited spaces only.

Stackable chairs are the best choice in this regard, as one can move them easily whenever needed. This allows availability of enough space for different types of functions. Nowadays stacking high-density chairs are also available capable of accommodating 25 pieces in a single stack or more. This way, the requirement of storage space decreases significantly. The average stackable chairs are capable of accommodating eight pieces maximum. A lot of experimentation is doing rounds nowadays with many furniture designers thinking of new revolutionary ideas.

This stress here is on user-friendly design with the one even conceiving addition of cup holder to the pews! While, not all these ideas may work, the younger crowd of designers is surely extending the playing field significantly, making this quite interesting and exciting. The choices can be many ranging from the theatre style to the traditional pews and the stackable chair options. Chair designs are quite easy and as such, the manufacturers are quite ready to allow the churches as much experimentation as they require in this regard.

Here the focus is on lighter, comfortable, and durable designs. Custom ordering is also on the rise these days with churches ordering for multipurpose space or sanctuaries. Fellowship halls require pew comfortable, cushioned stackers and banquet-style chairs. Olefin fabric is one of the most popular options for upholstery design. Other than that, the churches offer different specifications for the design of these chairs including the presence of cup communion holders and the pouches. They may also ask for in built card pockets, bookrack, interlocks, pew end, clear guide, and seats with space saving features.

There is more mobility, lightweight designs with easy storage and flexibility of use as well. Modern technology is expanding the options for the place of worship. Are you looking for high quality furniture for your church? Right from old church pews for sale to the brand new and the trendiest options, you will find everything that your heart desires only at

About The Author

James Wright is an expert on church furniture and interiors, who also likes to write many interesting articles and blogs, helping people to get access to the right decor choices for these places of worship. He recommends as the best place to buy new and used church furniture at the very best prices.