3 Easy Steps To Get Started With Email PGP

Author: Encrypted Mobile

In formal term, PGP or "Pretty Good Privacy" is a mechanism that provides privacy and authentication for data communication. It works by encrypting a message using a public key of the sender and decryption of it is done through the private key of a receiver. By this, you can ensure that it’s easy to send encrypted messages on the network. Also, it is quite safe, as messages can only be decrypted with privately known keys that are password-protected.

Besides this, many phones widely use PGP encryption like blackberry and a lot more. It is so because it supports digital signatures. Digital signatures means while signing your encrypted message with your private key, you provide a way for the recipient of the message to see if the content of the message has been changed. Before decryption, if a letter in the message is changed, then it will be considered as invalid and a warning message is sent to the recipient.

Steps to getting started with PGP for Emails:-

Now, in this technological world, when almost everything is done online, the demand of PGP encryption is getting increased day by day. Similarly, when it comes to Emails, PGP encryption is widely used to keep crucial messages safe from unauthorized persons. So, for this, you require to follow these 3 significant steps:-

1. Download PGP Tool in your system:-

Initially, you have to download the PGP framework that allows your system to deal with the encryption and decryption. No matter, whether you are using Windows operating system or Linux operating system, you have to download proper PGP tool. Even, some of Linux operating system contains PGP tools pre-installed.

2. Generate your Key Pair:-

Depending upon the software, you’ll use multiple methods to generate your new key pair. Generally, in GPG Tool, you have to click on "New" and add some details like name, key type and more. By this, you can get your new and unique pair of keys.

3. Enable PGP in your Email:-

In most cases, when you download PGP tool, the PGP information is automatically detected by the Email client. It means, you no need to do anything, just click on icon and your email message is successfully get encrypted.

At last, if you are concerned about online and electronic privacy, encryption is the best thing to set your mind at ease. By using strong encryption protocols, you will not only encrypt your messages, but also encrypt your confidential files, images and much more things. Moreover, this mechanism will make sure that your data is safe from eavesdroppers.