How to tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema
The most common questions visitors at health clinics ask are related to unexplained rashes. It is true that there are many possible causes for rashes, but more often than not, rashes are a symptom of a chronic condition. There are two main types of skin disorders that begin with a rash: eczema and psoriasis. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people does not know the clinical differences between the two, often confusing one with the other. Psoriasis and eczema can look the same owing to the fact that they are both rashes that itch. These similarities make the skin conditions tough to diagnose even by general doctors. Although both skin conditions have similar symptoms, there are completely unlike and you may not use a natural eczema skincare to treat psoriasis. But there are ways in which you can tell the difference between these two skin disorders. Being aware of the differences will help you get the proper diagnosis and treatment for your skin woe.
To begin with, eczema causes an intense itch and it can be so bad that you will scratch to the point of making your skin bleed. Additionally, it will make your skin look red and cracked and in some cases discolored as well. Eczema can be triggered or worsened by environmental factors, such as harsh chemicals, foods and allergens. The eczema rash will most likely appear on parts of your body that are bent, including your wrists, inner elbows or behind your knees. Eczema is most common in babies and young children and the symptoms become less severe as the child gets older. With psoriasis, it is a totally different story. Even though you may feel itchiness, the severity of itch is much less than that of eczema. The rash commonly appears on the buttocks, outside of the elbows, and knees. Most people develop psoriasis in a much later in life.
What is important to mention is that eczema and psoriasis are thought of as autoimmune diseases, which means that they are caused by the over-activity of the immune system. The major difference is that eczema is propagated by a different subtype of the immune system cell over-activity than the one propagated by psoriasis. Even the diagnostic tests are different. Both eczema and psoriasis can be diagnosed clinically, but sometimes a skin biopsy may be needed. Both these conditions can be kept under control by medication, like steroids, pills and ultraviolet light. In the case of psoriasis, dermatologists sometimes use injectable medication. Despite the fact that you can greatly benefit from corticosteroids to reduce the inflammation or the use of phototherapy to stimulate healing, you can also try natural remedies or treatments. Some of the skincare products with natural herbs moisturize skin and reduce the appearance of the skin disorder in the future.
For more information about natural eczema treatment and psoriasis natural treatment , please click on these links!