Audit The Value Of Your Food Under The HACCP Guidelines

Author: Warren Gibert

Cooking in the kitchen for limited number of person is totally different than preparing the same for large population. I was cooking in my kitchen, when this very question popped into my mind. Yes I am talking about the food factory. Generally while preparing supper for our family, we are so cautious about everything, not only the pre-cooking but also post cooking parts too. Consequently trying the best possible way to preserve the nutrients in food and maintain the sanitation.

But working on a large scale such as the factories where hundreds and thousands of packets are processed each and every hour a day, do you think it really matters? Are the packed foods safe for our health? Keeping hygiene and contamination in control for such a surplus amount is not very easy. On the contrary it is also not unavoidable. There are risks of food safety in every step of process, whether it is collection of raw materials or preparation of the food or manufacturing to consumer’s plate.

So what is to be done in these circumstances?

The body or the management that look after the issues have set up some basic rules and standards, these norms are upgraded and are truly applicable to each and every body that deals with food business. They are mandatory to pass the audits so as to supply their product in the market. In this context a CQA certified quality auditor is the only professional who conducts the entire auditing. He is highly skilled official who understands all the elements of the auditing and can carry out the task that includes the proper approach of examining, questioning, and judging the system. Henceforth, he prepares a proper result to estimate and figure out the flaws and degree of obedience to benchmarks of the control system accordingly.

It is also possible for a company to take up various courses that gives training regarding the food safeties. One such is certified HACCP training, where the employees of your company will learn the methods to keep check on the mode of preparation. These training are given by reputed food consulting organisation. The knowledge acquired during these training will certainly help the company to bring transparency in the market and trust among the customer by executing all the preventive measures and analysis the critical points. Just give a thought if a situation arises when your product is already in the market, facing litigation regarding its quality. The reputation of the brand and the company as well would have put to shame causing a great loss it. So don’t you think that preparation and training within the team member of the company would be of a great helping hand?

Otherwise you can also opt for a third party food safety audit, can truly save you from these issues. The audit would be carried out by the other officers or say a third party who will scrutinize the process and work on your food safety requirements. These obligatory laws will create more awareness about the safety and implementation of the safety rules at the global platform which is beneficial to both the manufacturer and the consumer leading a healthy life.

Bottom line: For more information on " Audit The Value Of Your Food Under The HACCP Guidelines " visit our website and contact us at (262) 745-7881 or email us