How to Keep Your Car Up and Running for Years to Come by Austin Burg

Author: Amitava Sarkar

When purchasing a new car, it’s best to view the vehicle as an investment. With most new vehicles retailing for tens of thousands of dollars, chances are you’re going to spend a very long time paying off this purchase. As such, there’s no better way to get the most for your money than meticulously caring for your vehicle. Making monthly payments on a car that’s fallen into disrepair can be very disheartening, as you’re essentially paying for something that no longer holds much practical value.

There’s a prevalent myth that taking proper care of vehicles is expensive – and the sooner it’s dispelled, the better. Provided you stay current with upkeep and maintenance, keeping your car up and running shouldn’t cost more than a few hundred dollars a year. Conversely, when you put car care on the backburner, you’re liable to wind up with pricey repairs that can cost upwards of $1,000. Since cars are the most expensive investments many adults make, motorists owe to both themselves and their vehicles to be vigilant about maintenance. The following tips are sure to prove useful in the quest to prolong the life of your vehicle.

Frequently Check Your Oil Levels

One of the easiest ways to avoid problems down the line is frequently checking your vehicle’s oil levels. Most mechanics will do this when you bring your car in for an oil change, but if you’d rather perform the task yourself, you’ll be pleased to learn it’s fairly simple. Once your engine is completely cool, pop open your hood, remove the oil dipstick, wipe it off, reinsert it and remove it again. Next, take note of how high the oil climbs up on the dipstick, as well as the general condition of the oil. If the oil needs to be changed, take care to use a dependable brand like Peak C&I.

Be Aware of Your Tire Pressure

Being consistently aware of tire pressure can benefit you in a number of ways. First off, performing a quick tire pressure check every other week stands to save you a fair amount in gas costs. As any mechanic can confirm, vehicles with insufficiently-inflated tires get much lower gas mileage than cars whose tires contain the recommended amount of air. Secondly, regular pressure checks ensure that you’ll get more use out of your tires. The less inflation a tire receives, the more likely it is to unexpectedly go flat, thus costing you money and potentially putting your safety at risk.

Stick to the Manufacturer’s Recommended Maintenance Schedule

No one is more qualified to give advice on a vehicle’s upkeep than the company that built it. With this in mind, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule to the letter. Just because there are no obvious issues with their vehicles, many motorists think it’s okay to ignore these recommendations. What they fail to realize, however, is that addressing problems before they occur is the smartest, most cost-effective approach to vehicle maintenance.

Far too many motorists keep auto maintenance tucked away in the back of their minds. Not surprisingly, these tend to be the same people who claim that vehicle upkeep is unaffordable. While it’s true that certain automotive issues occur without any rhyme or reason, most car troubles can be traced back to lackluster upkeep. That said, heeding the previously-discussed tips will save you untold sums of money throughout your vehicle’s life.

About the Author: Austin Burg is a lifelong car lover and auto mechanic with decades of experience. To help his clients save money down the line, he recommends that they bring their vehicles in for a tune-up every 3,000 miles – regardless of whether or not there are any noticeable problems.