How To Ensure Long Term Success In The Field Of Music?
Set goals you feel inspired by
Singers who have been successful in their careers are not scared of being ambitious and set for themselves realistic goals. Setting the goals you will feel totally inspired by will motivate you to actually do whatever it takes to achieve them.Don’t settle for less than you truly want, in an attempt to be realistic. Being realistic doesn’t mean setting small and insignificant goals, says Srisha, who is one of the youngest and most loved singers in the field of Classical Carnatic Music
Remember, even the greatest artists were regular people who achieved success with their hard work
All the great singers were once regular people, who chased their dreams on the wheels of hard work and love for music. Think of what would happen if they decided that it was unrealistic for them to achieve great things? The people, who are successful and famous today, chose to think big and act big. "So, no matter which field you choose- whether you choose Tamil classical music or playback singing, think big, stay positive, set goals that truly inspire you", says the ‘Super Singer’.
Work with an experienced mentor
A good mentor does a lot more than tell you what to do or give you plain information. An expert mentor nurtures your strengths and makes sure that you are moving in the direction of your goals at all times, while helping you overcome your shortcomings. Without the guidance of a good mentor, you are navigating the music industry blindfolded, unable to take advantage of your skills, knowledge and talent.
Think Positive while you work towards your goals
When you start to work towards your goals, it is important to start with positivity. Imagine yourself already having reached all your goals, and then structure your life to live into that vision. This makes it easier to accurately determine the steps that should be done to build your career. Take steps every day to move closer to your goals.
By doing the things mentioned in this article, you’ll learn to keep yourself motivated and keep your eyes on your goals. This will give you the power to keep moving forward and achieve long term success in your music career; no matter what obstacles you run into in your music career. These amazing tips were brought to you by Srisha-the young and versatile singer of classical carnatic music. For more such tips, or to connect with Srisha, visit-