Why xanax addiction can be life threatening
Anxiety disorders are commonly prevalent than you think, in fact it’s the most commonly discussed topic on a therapists sofa replacing yesteryears popular topic addiction. Anxiety disorders are also the most common mental ailment in the US affecting nearly 40 million adults. It’s important to not confuse anxiety disorders with general anxiety. Anxiety is natural alert state of the brain when it perceives that any topic can affect your state of well being. Anxiety disorders occur when a person experiences constant overwhelming anxieties that make it difficult for him to function normally. Anxiety should also not be confused with fear as in anxiety you usually worry about something in anticipation whereas fear is the response to very real and currently occurring situation.
Now when you are dealing with anxiety on a regular basis it can make you feel kind of hopeless. The sheer frequency of the anxieties that you experience can wear you down. Every day seems like a battle to just stay and behave normally. Even if you win the battle the first time you have to face the exact same situation again and again with no respite in sight. So the need for some respite is pretty overwhelming. In such cases there is a strong likelihood of a patient becoming more dependent on medications like 5mg xanax or alcohol to combat the symptoms of recurring anxiety. In this article we discuss the dangers of alprazolam abuse.
Dangers of alprazolam abuse
White xanax or alprazolam is very popularly prescribed for patients who deal with anxiety disorders. Alprazolam is very effective in providing almost instant reduction in the symptoms of anxiety. This is due to the fact that it enhances the activity of a neurotransmitter known as GABA in the central nervous system. Alprazolam also acts as a muscle relaxant and strong sedative. thus due its ability to provide relief from both the physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety as well as its strong sedative properties alprazolam is considered the best all round solution to deal with anxiety.
But before you start typing how to get xanax on your browser you must know that alprazolam is also deeply habit forming. So reckless consumption of alprazolam can lead to the following dangers
Alprazolam also produces a sensation of euphoria or high when taken. So when taken in large doses it can be strongly habit forming. Addiction can also lead to a patient suffering from terrifying withdrawal symptoms.
Taking one too many pills can also lead to an overdose. Overdose of alprazolam medications can turn out to be fatal on many occasions.
Alcohol interactions
Alcohol and alprazolam are both considered as anxiety reducers. But if taken in together they accentuate each other’s effects can prove to be life threatening as it causes alcohol poisoning or alprazolam overdose.