Roles & responsibilities of the bodyguards including the agencies that employs them

Author: Chad Reynolds

Today people like me and you are living in a world that is constantly being threatened by terrorism, Organized Crime, Miscreants from general public and many more. So to safeguard and protect people who are coming from higher strata of society such as movie personalities, politicians and individual with high priority etc. Due to the volatile situation of today’s world, life of all these imminent personalities & celebrities always remain in danger. So in order to prevent the danger from harming, these celebrities take the help of private security agencies that provides a bodyguard Dallas Texas area. These security agencies also provide bodyguards for important personalities who are living in other such urban areas and various cities of Texas.

So if you are one of those prominent individuals who badly need a bodyguard Houston Texas based city then you don’t have to worry because these private agencies that exists almost everywhere in the world nearly understand the needs of the clients & provides a specially customized services for them. For agencies to provide such services that include security guards that are well-trained & battle hardened with a security manager as a head of your security detail will cost a fortune for all those people who can afford it. The features of this type of security will cover the celebrity client while he is on the move or he is on a social gathering mingling with like-minded people or common citizens. Once the client or number of clients hires the services of respected and well-known security agency after that the guards or security guards who are also known as agents by some people are able to give security to not only the client but also his family and property from all types of intrusions and dangers. You will have a clear picture of these bodyguards when you will watch some Hollywood movies like ‘The Transporter’ and ‘Olympus has fallen.’ In fact sometimes one of the greatest benefit security guard receives is the association with the celebrity that helps in receive the same glamour and fame at par with the celebrity that levitates his position and image as a qualified and professional bodyguard and also helps his parent or employer’s company to improve its image whenever the star, politician as a high priority client are shown or showcased in electronic media that flashes the image of the security guard along with the client that also helps him in promoting the security agency covertly or indirectly by showcasing the company’s logo attached on his uniform.

The bodyguard Texas based security agencies differ from state to state regarding the cost of hiring and list of services that are provided to the client. But one particular area remains the same such as the mandatory protocols, theoretical and practical classes on various aspects of providing security to the high value clients, prevention of imminent attack by taking precautionary steps, evading harm and danger as well as escaping to a possible safe house or safe zone with the high value client, shooting, deception, layers of effective planning to provide all-round security to the client and lessons on using deceptive codes and passwords as language while coordinating with security guards on the field etc.