Combinator kinds of startups do not use Microsoft Azure. Why?

Author: Rebecca Spears

There is no exact answer for this, but this may be so because Microsoft Azure is a PaaS (Platform as a service) and unlike Amazon EC2 it not an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Programmers usually prefer open source and Linux / unix based systems. Sourcing of experts is also easier. From 10 startups there was only one which decided to build its infrastructure on a Microsoft solution. Azure seems to be addressing the issue by showing how it can run a variety of different web servers and improve deployments through git, thus leading to Azure development

Y Combinator kind of startups against using Azure
  1. Microsoft had actually made itextra hard for small startups and students to use their technology. Everyone is easily able to create a new app on Herokufor free, in about 5 minutes. On Azure you have to spend at least 40 USD per site per month or join bizspark to be able to use it and it takes forever to sign up.
  2. Modern concepts like regular deployment cannot be implemented on Azure. To use Heroku as an example: You can push about 20 new releases per day on the ruby based sites out. If it’s a good week, it’s 2 per week on Azure. The reason for this is that it takes about 30 seconds to push a new version to Heroku and 30 minutes to push it to Azure.

3. Azure is priced in a way that fits a Corporate America that wants to streamline its operation. It can get very expensive very fast for startups.

  1. There is a huge ecosystem of tools built on the AWS platform. It is not only AWS that is offering many services, but the third parties have also stepped in and adding almost every service you can imagine.
  2. Microsoft has failed to understand the startups and their needs. (For example, caching is essential for any website. Because of latency issues, it is the one functionality that cannot be outsourced outside the data center. Yet it took Microsoft a year to bring out the CTP for a distributed cache).

Azure is a great platform and everyone can use it. The SQL Azure engine is years ahead of the competition. It is also a good fit for backend processing for startups. But as startup, do not use it for front end work. Mostly Y combinatory companies are either operating consumer websites, or are offering some sort of web service, and these fields are heavily dominated by dynamic scripting languages and Unix culture.