The Proven 2-Step Plan To Get Your Home Spring-Cleaned

Author: Ian Bennett Morrison

I know very few people who have house or apartment cleaning on their hobby list. All domestic chores are boring and time-consuming and most of my friends, who live in Melbourne, simply prefer to call a local company to take care of all the troubles that come along with a full, deep clean. So, what do you do if you don’t fancy rubbing and scrubbing for hours but don’t want to spend crazy money on cleaners, either? In fact, you can easily declutter your home without using external help. All you need to know are the two key principles professionals apply in their daily work and you too will be able to the spring clean your place without wasting much energy.

Have a Plan… Better yet, Have a Schedule

While having a plan in your head is good, having a written version of it help even more. That means making a cleanup to-do list that contains all areas and tasks which you will have to go through before you’re finished - at least, that’s what always works for cleaning teams. The good news is you are not a maid and you are not bound to any limits in terms of time. That being said, turn your plan into a detailed schedule that spreads over a few days or even a whole week depending on the size of your property. Most people believe they have to complete the whole mission in a single day which is often quite unrealistic. When you rely on a well-structured cleaning schedule rather than on a one-day challenge, there’s also a positive psychological effect to it - tasks just don’t look so overwhelming anymore. For me, cleaning my house in Melbourne one room at a time is the ideal tempo that doesn’t put too much pressure on myself.

Get Rid of All Those Things

You cannot do a true spring cleaning without throwing away a good amount of items you’ve been keeping at home for a long time - months, years, even decades. The list of things you’re better off without is literally endless: printed promo flyers and booklets, expired invitations and vouchers, dead batteries, plastic measure spoons, worn-out shoes, clothes and underwear, old interior decorations, broken toys, expired medication, old newspapers, catalogues and magazines, cardboard boxes of any kind. Wait, you can actually use the boxes to put inside all the stuff you are ready to chuck out. That’s easier said than done when you have to say goodbye to things with sentimental value. One possible solution in terms of cleaning could be to collect and take them to the garage or basement but that’s just another place where they will pile up. However, you can try it and hopefully it helps you comprehend over time how unnecessary all those things really are. Keep in might that they could be very useful for someone else. If you don’t want to simply throw things away, you can consider selling or donating them - there is a plethora of options in Melbourne - both online and offline.