Tips for Choosing Maxillofacial Trauma Surgeon in India

Author: Debraj Shome

Maxillofacial trauma refers to any physical trauma that happened to the face. This can involve anything from lacerations to burns and even facial bone fractures. With the high demand for plastic surgery procedures in India—including maxillofacial trauma surgery—you have to be careful in choosing a surgeon.

Here are a few questions you need to ask:

  • Is the surgeon board certified?

The college degree, certifications, and even awards of a prospective surgeon all matter. Don’t go to a surgeon without checking the background when you are in need of this type of specialized medicine. Check the surgeon’s degree as well as where he or she completed the general surgery and residency. If the doctor is not certified, find another surgeon.

  • What’s his or her medical track record?

Always check on the clients of the surgeon. It also helps if you ask what his or her expertise is. There are plastic surgeons who are more successful in body procedures, like liposuction. Since, you are looking for