How to choose the right tablecloth?

Author: Nick Wilson

A home is always incomplete without a table and they need to be adorned with beautiful tablecloths. Their versatility gives the people to either dress up or dress down any table setting. Though many people might not consider it as a vital element, but if you’re looking forward to give your guests a remarkable treatment, tablecloths are must. These cloths are meant to not only give a complete finish to the table and protect the table surface from accidental spillage.

Though their primary job is to protect the table from spillage, but they mean a lot to a homeowner or a home designer who knows how to make the best out of them. With a little bit of smart use and investment in a tablecloth, you can look forward to a beautifully laid table to sit around, enjoy a delicious meal or add grace to your living space. Let’s understand how to make a wisdom choice by choosing the right tablecloth for you.

The very first thing to look for is the shape of the cloth. For example, there are square, rectangle and round tablecloths that can be considered for the respective shapes of the table. This is very much important to choose the right shape as it gives a complete feel to the table in various aspects.

Next thing to do is to know your table size. Measure your table from end to end. Take down the measurements in both inches and centimetres because various brands use different ways to fix sizes. Don’t forget to check if the tablecloth you are buying is for a four-seater or a six-seater dinner table, if you don't want to get indulged into adjusting the skirting later. Tablecloths sometimes hang too far over the short ends or just barely fit the table length, and this can ruin up the beauty.

As fabric forms the base of any tablecloth, one should be very much cautious about the fabric of the cloth. While choosing the fabric, it is recommended that you determine the usability of the table. Would you like a dramatic lacy tablecloth for that formal dinner mood or need a reasonably priced printed vinyl for everyday use?

The most commonly used materials include cotton, cotton blend, polyester, vinyl, or crochet. While a polyester tablecloth might be a bit expensive, it is generally more functional and feasible to clean. Cotton, cotton-blend, and vinyl tablecloths on the other hand are a good value for money, if you are looking for low-priced tablecloths. Vinyl fibers too are easy to wash and care, in case of errant spills. You can simply wipe off the food stains on a vinyl material.

You can also try out newer types such as Spandex tablecloths that give an extreme fit to the table by covering it from all sides. This latest type is meant to give an exquisite touch to your table of any size. For a wonderful touch and feel to your living space, using these tablecloths is certainly welcoming.

Author Bio: The writer is an expert in the field of Spandex tablecloths with focus on Chair Covers.