Fat Transfer NYC – A Feasible Option for an Attractive Derriere
A well shaped, curvy derriere is almost every woman’s dream. Fat transfer NYC, the procedure that uses your own fat to enhance your buttocks, is a feasible option to achieve this goal. Leading AAAASF practices in New York City have surgeons who are skilled in the treatment and can provide natural looking results.
How the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure is Performed
The surgeon first performs liposuction to extract the fat from the donor site, typically the abdomen, flanks or thighs. At established facilities, safe and effective minimally invasive Smartlipo Triplex is used for removing the fat. The extracted tissue is processed and purified and then carefully injected into the buttocks at different depths to provide the desired enhancement. What’s distinctive about the liposuction treatment is that it is done under local anesthesia.
Ideal Candidates
To be the right candidate for the procedure, you would need to meet the following conditions:
>> First, you should have enough fat to spare for the enhancement. It would be good if you are slightly above your ideal weight, so that you don’t go below this level after the fat is extracted.
>> As in the case of any cosmetic surgical procedure, the surgeon would consider you an ideal candidate only if you are 18 years of age or older.
>> Importantly, you should be physically and mentally fit, and not have any serious medical condition.
>> You need to have a good understanding about the procedure and have realistic expectations about the results.
>> This fat grafting procedure offers superior results for those with good skin tone.
>> Surgeons recommend that patients stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery and 1 month after surgery. It’s also important to refrain from drinking alcohol while on pain medications after the procedure.
When opting for a fat transfer butt lift under local anesthesia, you should know that the areas of liposuction and the amount of fat that is injected to the buttocks would be limited when compared to when the procedure is done under general anesthesia.
This is because of the restrictions of the medications that can be applied to a patient in any one setting. This is however an ideal options for patients who prefer a relatively short procedure with a very short recuperation time, minimal downtime and quick return to normal activity. Further, if a relatively small amount of fat is injected, the procedure can be staged over several days or weeks or longer, so that a base of fat is built up which can be further built upon.