What is Manuka Honey?

Author: Michel Disuja

This is natural honey that comes from an indigenous tree originating from New Zealand. It is used to support the body in many different ways and it has been used because in certain cases it tends to be four times more nutrient dense in terms of its healing compounds than regular floral honey. The honey contains a type of hydrogen peroxide and anti microbial properties to heal SIBO Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrow. This particular honey does not only taste particularly fantastic, but it has some anti bacterial and medicinal qualities to it, making it a superior type of food.

The honey has a dark brown color, it tastes fantastic but it differs completely from the other types of honey.

Benefits of Manuka honey

  • It has multiple properties that are anti bacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic. It can be ingested offering superior benefits and it can also be added externally when one has minor burns or bruises for healing.
  • It also treats ulcers at an intake of 1 teaspoon twice a day.
  • It is also good at treating acne and eczema by making an ointment at home using it and essential oils like T tree oil. Add shay butter to help it helps the honey cling in the area longer.

When looking to purchase your manuka honey toronto, be aware because there are various types of manuka honey’s available. There is the table honey which is good as being a bread spread but not for healing wounds. Pay attention to the labeling and check for UMF printed on it. UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor. This is then associated with a number ranging from 10 which is the lowest up to a maximum of 24. The best store to buy original manuka hone is Vitasave.ca. They assure you quality just like all the other natural products.

That number will tell you how high the antibacterial quality the honey has. UMF 10 has a decent anti bacterial quality, nut if you purchase UMF 24; you definitely know that you are packing amazing properties in that honey. So look for the UMF, if it only has a number, that’s not enough, it needs to have the UMF on the casing.

Also make sure that the honey is coming from a good source, like the Manuka Tree that grows in Australia and New Zealand.

The honey can be eaten straight away a teaspoon a day to help internally for all the benefits mentioned above. It can also be put on bread toast.