Some Major Reasons Why You Find Hidden Bank Accounts and Other Hidden Assets

Author: Fred Joseph

Asset search investigation like locating bank accounts can reveal an incredible amount of information about another party. Conducting an asset search investigation is all about gathering intimate details of a person and there are a variety of reasons, why one wants to do it. Here, you've some major reasons, why you need to conduct this search:

  • It’s not uncommon for a spouse to hide assets, especially when the divorce has been planned for quite a while. Unreported income and hidden assets are often alleged in divorce proceedings. In case, a spouse suspects the other of hiding assets, locating hidden bank accounts and asset searches is the way to go.
    • While collecting a lawsuit judgment which compels the other party to pay you, keep in mind that they’re not going to pay you on the spot. It means that it’s your responsibility to collect. If they’re holding the things up, running a hidden asset search like finding hidden bank accounts helps you prove that they've sufficient means to pay you.
    • Even if you've a judgment for child support or alimony, there are chances that your ex-spouse refuses to pay, especially when he or she is uncaring. May be, they’re hiding assets from you so that you get only a small portion of what you really own. With an asset search, you’re likely to uncover their hidden business interests, stocks, secret bank accounts and more.
    • Hidden asset search is also beneficial when it comes to disputes over wills and probates. If you suspect that the executor of will is keeping you in dark about the deceased’s assets, it’s make sense to leave no stone unturned on your part by conducting the deceased’s bank account and other hidden asset searches.
    • Are you planning with a new business associate? These searches will allow you know their intimate details and background and help you determine if they’re trustworthy or not.

    Cash, bonds, mutual funds, stocks, variable annuities, cash values in insurance policies, and bearer municipal bonds are the most common types of assets that you ex or other party may be hiding from you. Locating bank accounts and ensures that everything goes legally; hiring only licensed private investigators is advisable. You’ll have to provide some basic information about the subject and the investigators conduct necessary searches to uncover the wealth of information about the subject. Quite simply, with this, you save yourself from legwork and everything goes smoothly. Individuals or businesses, lawyers or attorneys, private investigators or detectives, anyone can hire the private investors for conducting these searches.