An Omaha Varicose Vein Doctor Answers the Top 5 Patient FAQs
One of the first questions people with varicose veins ask is "why me?" While they may not see many people with the twisted, blue veins they have developed on their own legs, an estimated 25% of all adults will have them during their lifetime. There are many contributing factors that can determine whether a person experiences them or not. These include standing or sitting in the same position for long periods of time, hormone fluctuations caused by pregnancy or from taking birth control pills, obesity, and smoking. The vein care specialist in Omaha can advise patients on lifestyle changes that will improve their vein health.
Types of varicose vein treatment in Omaha
The second FAQ asked by patients is "What are my treatment options?" Fortunately, varicose vein treatment has advanced a great deal over the past few decades. Today, a variety of techniques utilize tiny catheters or injections to seal off and/or destroy diseased veins. Your Omaha varicose vein doctor will provide you with the best treatment options for your condition and perform them locally at the vein center. Once patients understand how treatment works, they also want to know "Don’t I need these veins?" Once the veins are destroyed, the blood flow is re-directed to healthy veins for improved blood flow. In response to "Will the veins return", our vein expert explains that in most cases, the treatment is permanent and new veins do not develop.
Is varicose vein treatment in Omaha right for you?
Many patients want to know "What will happen if I don’t get vein treatment now?" Most varicose veins worsen over time and can lead to more serious conditions. Dr. Thomas B. Whittle is a skilled, compassionate vein care specialist in Omaha who understands patients’ concerns about treating vein disease. Call us at 402-298-5740 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Whittle and get answers to all of your questions about varicose vein treatment.
Author Bio: An Omaha Varicose Vein Doctor answers the top 5 patient FAQs about vein disease. Call us at 402-298-5740 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Whittle and get answers to all of your questions about varicose vein treatment.
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