Take professional help to get your CIS tax refund on time

Author: Sia Benet

Infrastructural development of any country plays a pivotal role in country’s economic growth. Construction industry is one of the leading industries in infrastructure space and anybody would love to be a part of this industry as well as its growth story. If you are into construction business, you would know the importance of getting your subcontractors registered with Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). After this, it is important to file your CIS tax return on a regular basis. In case you have deposited more tax than you actually should have, you need to claim for CIS tax refund. By claiming CIS refunds, you ensure that your hard-earned money is not left with the Government department and you get it back to put it to better use.

In order to claim your CIS tax refund, you need to have a thorough understanding of this scheme. Under this scheme, the contractors need to deduct this tax at the time of making payment to their subcontractors and deposit this money to HMRC. The subcontractor is given a statement providing the CIS tax deducted which they will refer while submitting their tax return at the end of tax year. As a result of this, there may be instances when a contractor finds that he has paid more taxes to the authority than he should have actually paid. In that case, the only option left with the contractor is to apply for CIS refunds.

Since adhering to the statutory compliance in terms of CIS tax is a must for any business which needs the service of subcontractors, it is really useful to engage an expert for this job. As a business owner, you may decide to outsource this job to a company that will provide you end-to-end solution. The solution would include deducting tax at source, submitting monthly return to the authority and claiming CIS tax refund. They would also follow up with the authority till CIS refunds gets credited to your account.

Once you outsource this activity to a reputed accounting company, you can expect all sorts of support in this regards. The will assign a dedicated account manager for you who will be at your service whenever you need. You may need to know the status of your CIS return or CIS tax refund and the account manager will update you with regular reports. In case there is any change in rules for CIS return or CIS refunds, they will gather information on implication of the new rule on your business and ensure compliance immediately.

Filing CIS return or getting CIS tax refund is often a time consuming process. Often business owners will not have the adequate knowledge for doing it all by themselves. Outsourcing these services will free time for business owners to concentrate their time and effort in core business activities. The accounting firms will ensure that your CIS return, CIS refunds or statutory compliances are in order so that it doesn’t create any problem for your business and organization. Most of the firm offer free consultation so that you can assess what they will actually provide as a part of their service before you choose the firm.CIS tax refund ( http://bellsaccountants.co.uk/CIS-Refunds ) or CIS refunds ( http://bellsaccountants.co.uk/CIS-Refunds ) can be professionally managed by proficient companies.